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WSJH Journal Index #2

Index by Geographical Location of Articles

This is a secondary index. If the item can be located in the "Person" Index, it will not be on the "Location" Index.

General Location; Article Title; Author; Volume/Issue*

* Example   21/4 = Volume 21, Issue #4

Two indexes follow, starting with Volume 1, Number 1, October, 1968 and continue through Volume 43, Number 3/4, Spring/Summer, 20011. They include 170 separate issues, covering a great deal of Jewish history in the Western United States, Canada, Mexico, and the Pacific Rim.

Back Issues of Western States Jewish History

Back Issues are available for most issues. To order, print out our Simple Order Form and list the Volume Number and Issue Number desired, as indicated in the Index. All Back Issues are $25 each which includes Postage & Handling.

Libraries requiring a full set or a large number of back issues may contact us for special pricing.

In a few cases, articles are listed twice in a given index when more than one name is used..

Book sized Special Issues. $25.

Through the years, WSJH has reached back into its past for special issues. In these, many earlier articles were selected and updated, where appropriate, by Dr. Kramer. They are listed twice. The special issues are:

California, Earthquakes and the Jews, 268 pages with index. V27/#3&4

Sephardic Jews of San Francisco, 302 pages. V28/3

Sephardic Jews of Los Angeles, 202 pages. V28/4

Sephardic Jews of Washington & Oregon, 240 pages with index for the 3 Sephardic issues. V29/1

Additional Special issues

Pioneer Jewish Women of the American West, 240 pages. V35/3&4

Pioneer Jews of British Columbia, 288 pages. V37/#3&4

Pioneer Jews of Los Angeles in the 19th Century, 312 pages with index. V38/3&4—articles are often shortened and only the quantity of footnotes are listed. For research purposes, use the earlier listed version of the article in this index.

Pioneer Jews of San Francisco, Part One, A - L. by Norton B. Stern. 234 pages. V41/1

Pioneer Jews of San Francisco, Part Two, M - Z. by Norton B. Stern. 244 pages. V41/2. Includes index for #1&2.

Early Pioneers of Los Angeles: Interviews and Articles with Descendants. by Norton B. Stern. 285 pages w/index. V41/#3

Pioneer Jews of "Outlying Areas" Articles and Interviews. by Norton B. Stern. 212 pages w/index. V41#4

My Shtetle California: Golden Nuggets of the American West by Rabbi William M. Kramer. 200 pages w/index V42/2&3.

Boyle Heights: Recollections and Remembrances of the Boyle Heights Community in Los Angeles, 1920s - 1960s. 336 pages w/index. V43/#34

Libraries requiring a full set or a large number of back issues may contact us for special pricing.

WSJH Journal Index #2

Index by Geographical Location of Articles

This is a secondary index. If the item can be located in the "Person" Index, it will not be on the "Location" Index.

General Location; Article Title; Author; Volume/Issue*

* Example   21/4 = Volume 21, Issue #4

Index #2

Index by Location of Articles

General Location; Article Title; Author; Volume/Issue


United States



Alaskan Memoir; Shirpser, Sol, 10/1

Alaskan Report-1909; Ripinsky, Sol; 11/1

From Fur Rush to Gold Rushes; Glanz, Rudolf; 7/2

Jewish Immigration and Alaskan Economic Development: A Study in Futility; Naske, Claus-M.; 8/3

Jews of Alaska, 1869-1961; Bloom, Jessie S.; 31/2

Last Frontier: Jewish Pioneers in Alaska, Part 1; Eisenberg, Matthew J.; 24/1

Last Frontier: Jewish Pioneers in Alaska, Part 2; Eisenberg, Matthew J.; 24/2

Last Frontier: Jewish Pioneers in Alaska, Part 3; Eisenberg, Matthew J.; 24/3

Memoirs of an Alaskan Merchant; Rozenstain, Yael; 9/3

Notes on Sol Ripinsky of Alaska, 1905; 8/4

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Appointment of Herman Bendell as Superintendent of Indian Affairs of Arizona Territory; Jacobs, Monty; 24/2

Arizona Pioneer: Teamster, Miner, and Mayor of Tombstone; 21/4

Arizona Rabbi Who Came from Notre Dame; Plotkin, Rabbi Albert; 27/2

Arizona Visit to Phoenix, Miami and Tucson, 1919; Marks, Barnett, E.; 15/3

Arizona’s Jewish Farmers and Ranchers: Traveling Exhibition; Morton, Beryl; 28/1

Arizona’s Mining Wizard: Black Jack Newman; Stern, Norton B. & Kramer, William M.; 11/3

Bar Mitzvah Message from Prescott, Arizona in 1879; Fireman, Bert M.; 12/4

Benson, Arizona Merchant, 1901; 23/1

Brenda Weisberg Meckler; Morton, Beryl S.; 26/1

Cornerstone Laying of the First Synagogue in Arizona; Herzberg, Nat; 19/3

Druggist of Tucson: A 1901 View of Fred Fleishman; Fleishman, Fred; 21/4

Emil Marks: Eyewitness to History, A Picture Story; 24/4

First Jewish Girl Born, Educated and Married in Tucson: A Picture Story; 12/2

First Jewish Wedding in the Territory of Arizona; 20/2

From New York to Tucson in 1868; Drachman, Rosa K; 22/1

Frontiersmen in Broadcloth: Jews in Early Phoenix, 1870-1920; Lamb, Blaine P.; 25/1

Herman Bendell: Superintendent of Indian Affairs, Arizona Territory, 1871-1873; Stern, Norton B.; 8/2

Herman Bendell: The Jewish Chief of the Indians of Arizona, 1871-1873; Chanin, Abraham S.; 31/4

Isadore and Anna Solomon of Arizona: A Picture Story; Ramenofsky, Elizabeth Lantin; 17/2

Jacobs Brothers, Arizona Bankers, 1890; 19/1

Los Angeles-Born Druggist in Tucson, 1890; 19/1

Lukin Family, Including Relationships with the Hertzbergs: Pioneers of Tempe, Arizona; Herzberg, Edward; 31/1

Mayor Strauss of Tucson; Stern, Norton B.; 12/4

Notes on the Early Jews of Arizona; Glanz, Rudolf; 5/4

Old Jewish Cemetery Restored in Douglas, Arizona; 26/3

On the Arizona-Sonora Frontier in 1890; 11/4

Philip and Samuel H. Drachman and the Goldberg Brothers: Arizona Pioneers; Fierman, Floyd S.; 31/2

Picture Story #7: Early Arizona Lady Physician; 5/1

Recollections of Arizona, 1876-1891; 15/1

Reminiscences of Abraham Franklin of Tucson; 24/4

Reminiscences of an Arizona Pioneer; Goldberg, Isaac; 2/3

Samuel Drachman: Arizona Pioneer; 20/1

Southwest Pioneers, Louis Zeckendorf and His Brothers, 22/1

Superintendent of Indian Affairs, Arizona Territory, Annual Report, 1871; Bendell, Herman; 22/3

Superintendent of Indian Affairs, Arizona Territory, Annual Report, 1872; Bendell, Herman; 22/4

Tombstone, Arizona Jewish Saga; Stern, Norton B.; 19/3

Who was Isaacson, Arizona Named For?; Stern, Norton B., Kramer, William M.; 19/2

William Zeckendorf: A New Mexico and Arizona Pioneer; 11/4

Wolf Sachs; 31/1

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First Jewish Federal Judge; 14/1


— General —

Anti-Jewish Sentiment in California, 1855; 31/2

Books Tumble but Temple "OK": Eureka Quake, 1992; Wolkoff, Garth; 27/3

Boy Genius in California, 1921; Kramer, William M.; 13/1

Brandon’s Protests Against Sectarian Texts in California Schools in 1875; Brandon, Joseph R.; 28/3

California and Palestine in 1917; Lowenthal, Marvin M.; 10/2

California Earthquake Theology; Kramer, William M.; 27/3

California Family Newmark: An Intimate History (Review); Newmark, Leo M.D.; 3/1

California Jewry and the Mendel Beiliss Affair, 1911-1913; Henig, Gerald S.; 11/3

California Jewry, 80 Years Ago; Dr. William M. Kramer; 42/2-3

California Reactions to the Leo Frank Case,Oxman, Daniel K; 10/3

Californians Help Morocco Brethren; 1860; Dr. William M. Kramer; 42/2-3

Collection of California Cards: A Gallery Story; 6/2

Collection of California Jewish Homes: A Gallery Story; 6/1

Commercial Position of the Jews of California, 1856; Labatt, Henry J.; 4/1

Early Jewish Defense League; 1902; Dr. William Kramer; 42/2-3

Elsinore, California: "The City of Hate Affair"; Strum, Harvey J.; 27/2

First Jewish Organization, The First Jewish Cemetery and the First Known Jewish Burial in the Far West; Stern, Norton B. & Kramer, William M.; 11/4

From San Jose to Hollywood: The Rise of Jesse L. Lasky; Jaffe, Grace; 11/1

Gold Rush Jews; Dr. William Kramer; 42/2-3

Guide to California History, part 2; 25/4

Historical Recovery of the Pioneer Sephardic Jewish of California; Stern, Norton B. & Kramer, William M.; 8/1

Isadore Meyerowitz: Pioneer Explorer of California, Conclusion; Levenson, Rosaline; 28/2

Jews in California Commerce, 1856; Labatt, Henry J.; 24/2

Jewish Spiritual Theology; Kramer, William M.; 27/3

Jews in Sports in California, 1904; Rice, Archie; 14/1

Jews on the California Supreme Court; Mosk, Justice Stanley; 26/1

Judaism and Intermarriage: A Discussion in 19th Century California, 1857-1859; Kaplan, Dana Even, Ph.D.; 31/4

Labatts’ Attack in San Francisco and Los Angeles; Stern, Norton B.; 28/3

Letters about the Jews of California, 1855-1858; Levy, Daniel; 3/2

A Little Blushing; San Francisco; Dr. William Kramer; 42/2-3

Masonic Career of Benjamin D. Hyam, California’s Third Grand Master; Stern, Norton B.; 7/3

Memories of a California Rabbi: Stockton, San Jose and Long Beach; Franklin, Rabbi Harvey B.; 9/2

Nurture Restores Cemetery, 1997; Stokes, Sandy; 30/2

Our Pioneer Heritage; Stern, Norton B.; 26/4

Pioneers in Social Service: The Jewish Committee for Personal Service in State Institutions, 1920s; Mongerman, Freda; 6/2

Poland’s Ambassador to the Jewish Diaspora Visits Southern California; Kramer, William M.; 28/2

Rebirth of Jewish Cemetery Celebrated; Murkland, Pat; 30/2

Reva Howitt Clar, 1906-1977; 30/1

Rose Pesotta in the Far West: The Triumphs and Travels of a Jewish Woman Labor Organizer; Sorin, Gerald; 28/2

Selected Acquisitions, Western Jewish History Center and the Jewish Community Library; 6/3

Shasta, California, The Jewish Imprint on a Ghost Town, 1983; Brin, Herb; 30/4

Sixty Years of Earthquake Memories; Newmark, Harris; 27/3

Stereotype Emerges; Chandler, Robert J.; 21/4

“The Hebrew” Reviewed; Dr. William Kramer; 42/2-3

To the Ladies: A Gallery Story; 6/4

Turnverein: A German Experience for Western Jewry; Stern, Norton B. & Kramer, William M.; 16/3

Visitor’s Report on Los Angeles and San Francisco, 1937; Currick, Max C.; 13/1

Washington Bartlett: California’s Jewish Governor; Stern, Norton B.; 28/3

Weilheimers: The Jewish Pioneer Family of Mountain View, California; Claerbout, Diane; 30/1

Wool Buying Contract of 1889; 8/2

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— Los Angeles —

(Includes Santa Monica, Long Beach and Surrounding Cities)

1877 Mansion of I. W. Hellman of Los Angeles: An Architectural Story;,11/4

1890’s Arrival in Los Angeles from the Ukraine; Maidenberg, Harry F.; 24/1

Al Levy’s: Where the Elite Meet to Eat; Dr. William M. Kramer; 42/2-3

An Ecumenical First; Los Angeles; Dr. William Kramer; 42/2-3

A New Era: 1962: A Sephardic Messenger Account; Candiotty, Max; 28/4

Abe Haas: Portrait of a Proud Businessman; Scharlach, Bernice;12/1

Adolphe Danzinger de Castro, Publications & References; Powell, Christopher A.; 28/4

Aid Pours in After the Earthquake, 1994; Heritage Newspapers; 27/3

Albert Einstein: One of Two Schlemiels [Long Beach Earthquake of 1933]; Meyer, Larry L.; 27/3

“A Whole New World Opened Up For Me”; Boyle Heights; Leanore Katsen Saltz; 43/3-4

B’nai B’rith Social Scene in Los Angeles, 1902; Black, Julius R.; 14/2

Babin’s Kosher Restaurants: A Los Angeles Odyssey; Raphael, Marc L.; 1/4

Los Angeles, Continued

Banker of the Southland in 1885; Lynch, Joseph D.; 9/3

Before and the Beginning of Federation in Los Angeles; Stern, Norton B.; 19/1

Beginning of Los Angeles’ First Jewish Hospital; Harris, Victor; 8/3

Beginning of the Jewish Consumptive Relief Association (City of Hope); 20/2

Ben Platt: Music Tycoon of Los Angeles; Stern, Norton B.; 16/4

Ben Rose and the Bachelor’s Club of Los Angeles; Fogelson, George J.; 19/2

Beth El Was Hollywood; Dr. William M. Kramer; 42/2-3

Birdie Stodel: Los Angeles Patriot; Stern, Norton B. & Kramer, William M.; 20/2

Boyle Heights Victory House in Los Angeles sells over $1,000,000 in World War II Bonds and Stamps, 1943; 30/2

Boyle Heights: A Study in Ghettos; 1935; David Weissman; 43/3-4

Boyle Heights Was Widely Viewed As An Unsavory Neighborhood; Harriet Shapiro Rochlin; 43/3-4

Boys Will Be Boys at Kramer’s Dancing Academy; Dr. William Kramer; 42/2-3

“Brooklyn Avenue Was Like a Fairy Tale”; Boyle Heights; Shimona Yaroslavsky Kushner; 43/3-4

But Was She Jewish?; Dr. William M. Kramer; 42/2-3

Call for a Jewish Heritage Historical Fire Brigade!; LA; Dr. William Kramer; 42/2-3

Cantor Yosele Rosenblatt in Los Angeles, 1925; Clar, Reva; 13/1

Chaim Weizmann in Los Angeles: Fifty Years Ago; 6/3

“The Character of Boyle Heights Was Richly Varied”; Judy Hurwitz Chaikin; 43/3-4

Charity Knows Neither Race Nor Creed: Jewish Philanthropy to Roman Catholic Projects in LA, 1856-1876; Engh, Michael E.; 21/2

Charles F. Lummis and the Newmarks; Gordon, Dudley; 7/1

Chinese-Jewish Moh-ist; Los Angeles; Dr. William Kramer; 42/2-3

Collection of a Boyle Heights Milkman; Mel Roberts; 43/3-4

Confirmation at Temple B’nai B’rith, Los Angeles, 1913; Epstein, David; 31/1

Congregational Politics in Los Angeles, 1897; Veritas; 6/2

Cream of Los Angeles Society, 1902; 14/3

Day in Santa Monica, 1884; Meyer, Rosalie; 6/1

Diary of Isaias W. Hellman, 1911, Part 1; Hellman, Isaias W.; 22/1

Diary of Isaias W. Hellman, 1911, Part 2; Hellman, Isaias W.; 22/2

Dr. Jose A. Nessim and the Sephardic Educational Center; Kramer, William M.; 28/4

Earthquake of 1933, (Long Beach); Harris, Ira L.; 27/3

“East L.A.—Man”; Leonard “Lenny” D. Davis; Boyle Heights; 43/3-4

Eddie Cantor: Hollywood Jewish Activist; Kramer, William M.; 24/3

Einstein Among the Stars: Hollywood and the Scientist; Kramer, William M. & Lesser, "Bud" Julian; 25/3

Einstein in California: 1933, The Last Visit to the American West, Part 4; Kramer, William M.; 26/1

Einstein in California: A Farewell-1933, Part 5; Kramer, William M.; 26/2

Einstein in California: Southern California Acclaims a Hero, Part 3; Kramer, William M.; 25/4

Emanuel Schreiber: Los Angeles’ First Reform Rabbi, 1885-1889, Part 1; Clar, Reva. & Kramer, William M.; 9/4

Emanuel Schreiber: Los Angeles’ First Reform Rabbi, 1885-1889, Part 2; Clar, Reva & Kramer, William M.; 10/1

Encore; Clar, Reva; 23/3

European Jewish and Non-Jewish Marital Patterns in Los Angeles, 1910-1913: A Comparative Approach; Raphael, Marc Lee; 6/2

Exiled Roumanian Jews Here in L.A., 1904; 29/3

Family Get-Togethers Are My Fondest Memories; Arthur “Boomie” Siegal; Boye Heights; 43/3-4

Father of Warner Brothers, 1931; 19/1

FDR, Jews and the Movies; Lesser, Julian "Bud"; 24/4

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Los Angeles, Continued

Federation of Jewish Charities of Los Angeles, 1923; Goldman, May W.; 23/1

Film Industry Recollection; Myers, Carmel; 8/3

Final Resting Place of Los Angeles Jewry’s First President; Stern, Norton B.; 18/4

First Jew of Los Angeles; Stern, Norton B. & Kramer, William M.; 21/3

First Jew to Run for Mayor of Los Angeles; Stern, Norton B.; 12/3

“First History of Roosevelt High School”; 1924; Boyle Heights; 43/3-4

First Jewish Community Site, Los Angeles; Cohen, Thomas; 1/3

First Jewish Physician of Los Angeles; Clar, Reva; 4/1

First Jewish President of the Los Angeles City Council; Caper, Gene & Stern, Norton B.; 17/1

First President of the Los Angeles Communidad: Gustave Adolf Danziger Becomes Adolphe de Castro; Kramer, William M.; 28/4

First Synagogue in Los Angeles; Owen, Tom; 1/1

Forgotten Founder of the Jewish Homes for the Aging of Greater Los Angeles; 22/1

Forgotten Memorial to a Jewish Sargent; Stern, Norton B.; 14/1

Goldbergs of Boyle Heights: A Picture Story; 19/1

Growing Up as a Mewmark in Los Angeles, 1935-1950; Linda Levi; 39/3

Harrold Weinberger; Lesser, Julian "Bud"; 26/1

Hebrew Benevolent Society of Los Angeles, California: Constitution and By-Laws, 1855; 30/2

Hebrew Union College; A Crying Shame; 1880; Dr. William Kramer; 42/2-3

Henry H. Lissner, M.D., Los Angeles Physician; Stuppy, Laurence J.; 8/2

Herman Silver of Silver Lake, Civic Leader and Lay Rabbi, Part 1; Kramer, William M.; 20/1

Herman Silver of Silver Lake: Civic Leader and Lay Rabbi, Part 2; Kramer, William M.; 20/2

Herman Sugarman, MD, A Pioneer Jewish Physician of Los Angeles; Weisman, Michael H. & Elizabeth A.; 17/3

History of the Movement to Establish a Jewish Orphan’s Home in Los Angeles; Marshutz, Siegfried G.; 9/2

Hollenbeck Junior High Celebrates Public Schools Week; 1940; 43/3-4

Hollywood and the Los Angeles Jewish Community, Junior Division: A Picture Story; Lesser, Julian "Bud"; 16/3

How California’s Fifteen-Year-Old Naval Hero Gave His Life; Stern, Norton B. & Kramer, William M.; 14/4

How the ‘Vest was Von’: An irreverent Account of the Conservative Occupation of Los Angeles; Vorspan, Rabbi Max; 29/4

Hugo Ballin, A Forgotten Artist of Hollywood, Part 1; Kramer, William M.; 24/1

Hugo Ballin: Forgotten Artist of Hollywood, Part 2; Kramer, William M.; 24/2

“I Felt Fortunate To Have Such Loyal Friends”; Boyle Heights; Ronald Goldstein; 43/3-4

“I Loved Walking Down Brooklyn Avenue Past Soto Street”; Boyle Heights; Erna Toback; 43/3-4

I Never Saw a Sleeping Person in Shul or School Whom I Did Not Envy; Kramer, William M.; 30/2

I. M. Hattem and His Los Angeles Supermarket; Hattem, Maurice I.; 11/3

In Memoriam: Norton Stern; Kramer, William M.; 24/3

Introduction to "The Los Angeles Sephardic Experience"; Kramer, William M.; 28/4

I Remember: 67 Former Residents of Boyle Heights Write of Their Early Years; 43/3-4

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Isaac Lankershim of the San Fernando Valley; Stern, Norton B. & Kramer, William M.; 18/1

Isaac O. Levy of Los Angeles: A Picture Story; 14/3

“It Took Me Fifty Years to Put My Thoughts on Paper”; Boyle Heights; Irve Weiser; 43/3-4

Jack E. Gindi, Rachel Gindi & the Jack E. Gindi Foundation; Kramer, William M.; 28/4

Jack I. Copeland, Want-to-be Cowboy, 1903-1975; Copeland, Jack L.; 31/1

Jacoby Brothers of Los Angeles; 7/4

Jewish Aeronautical Association; Lipman, Sue & Stern, Norton B.; 4/2

Jewish Aeronautical Association: Unique in the USA; 1933-1941; Norton Stern; 41/3

Jewish Civil Servants of Early Los Angeles; Dr. William M. Kramer; 42/2-3

Jewish Congregations in Boyle Heights; 1942; 43/3-4

Jewish Civil Servants of Los Angeles, More Comes to Light; Dr. William M. Kramer; 42/2-3

Jewish Club of 1933, Inc: A German-Jewish Presence in Los Angeles; Bunzel, Annelise, Fogelson, George; 29/3

Jewish Defense Agencies at Work: The "Oil Chair" at USC; Raphael, Marc; 26/3

Jewish Economic and Residential Mobility in Early Los Angeles; Gelfand, Mitchell B.; 11/4

Jewish Family Service of Los Angeles: Historical Reflections of 145 Years of Service; Lainer, Lee; 30/4

Jewish Padre to the Pueblo, Pioneer Los Angeles Rabbi, Abraham Wolf Edelman; Stern, Norton B. & Kramer, William M.; 3/4

Jewish Response to the Los Angeles Riots; Rubin, Susan E.; 25/3

Jewish Star Over San Berdoo; Dr. William M. Kramer; 42/2-3

Jews in Early Santa Monica: A Centennial Review; 7/4

Jews in the 1870 Census of Los Angeles; Stern, Norton B.; 9/1

Kaspare Cohn Hospital; President’s Report; Boyle Heights; 1911; 43/3-4

Kinderman Family of San Bernardino and Los Angeles; Fogelson, George J.; 22/3

Ladies’ Hebrew Benevolent Society of Los Angeles in 1892; Katz, Virginia; 10/2

A Letter of Protest About Roosevelt High School; 1950; Boyle Heights; 43/3-4

Letter from Los Angeles to a European Cousin, 1910; Newmark, Rose Roth; 10/1

Letter from Lynne Schwalbe; Schwalbe, Lynne; 30/3

Letter from Mother to Daughter, Los Angeles to New York, 1867; Newmark, Rosa; 5/4

Letter from the Retiring Editor; Kramer, William M.; 30/3

“Life on Cincinnati Street Was Fairly Normal”; Boyle Heights; Irv Porush; 43/3-4

Living History: A Tribute to Rabbi Alfred Wolfe; Levey, Samson H.; 25/1

Location of Los Angeles Jewry at the Beginning of 1851; Stern, Norton B.; 5/1

Long Beach Earthquake of 1933; Lindenbaum, Regina; 27/3

Long Beach Earthquake of 1933; Lindenbaum, Regina; 12/3

Los Angeles Area Earthquake of 1933; Harris, Ira L.; 16/3

Los Angeles B’nai B’rith Lodge No. 487: A 1905 Report; 11/2

Los Angeles Broders: A Picture Story; 13/3

Los Angeles Earthquake & the Jewish Community, 1994; Kramer, William M. & Gilson, Robin L.; 27/3

Los Angeles Jewish Homes for the Aging, Forgotten Origins; Stern, Norton B. & Kramer, William B.; 18/2

Los Angeles Jewish Voters During Grant’s First Presidential Race; Stern, Norton B.; 13/2

Los Angeles Jewry and Stow’s Anti-Semitism; Stern, Norton B.; 7/4

Los Angeles Jewry and the Chicago Fire; Stern, Norton B.; 6/4

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Los Angeles Jewry’s First President; Kramer, William M.; 7/2

Los Angeles Memories; Sichel, Carolyn Meyberg; 7/1

Los Angeles Popular Music Director; Harris, Ira L.; 10/1

Los Angeles Rhodesli Community; Hasson, Aron; 28/4

Los Angeles’ Sephardic Jewish Messenger; Dr. William M. Kramer; 42/2-3

Los Angeles, 1970 to the Present; Vorspan, Rabbi Max; 26/2

Louis Phillips of the Pomona Valley: Rancher and Real Estate Investor; Stern, Norton B.; 16/1

Man Behind the Spirit of Boyle Heights; Kramer, William M.; 20/3

Man You Never Had to Ask: Allen Ziegler; Kramer, William M.; 27/1

Marco H. Hellman Family of Los Angeles: A Picture Story; 10/2

Marco Ross Newmark, 1878-1959: First Jewish Historian of the Southland; Turner, Justin G. & Stern, Norton B.; 1/1

Marks Brothers of Los Angeles: A Picture Story; 11/4

Marriage of a Rabbi’s Daughter: Los Angeles, 1880; 6/3

Mary Pickford: From a Moment of Intolerance to a Lifetime of Compassion; Stern, Norton B. & Kramer, William M.; 13/3

Maurice Amado and the Amado Foundation; Kramer, William M.; 28/4

Max Zimmer, Builder and Philanthopist, 1893-1999; Kramer, William M.; 31/4

Memoirs of George J. Delmer: Seaman and Policeman, Part 2; Delmer, George J.; 14/4

Memories of an 1890’s Pomona Boyhood; Cole, Sylvan; 11/4

Memories of the San Fernando/Sylmar Quake, 1971; 27/3

Men of Distinction in Early Los Angeles: A Gallery Story; 7/3

Menorah Center in its Twilight Years; 1954-1957; Boyle Heights; 43/3-4

Michael G. Solomon, 1868-1927, Rabbi and Lawyer of Los Angeles; Clar, Reva & Kramer, William M.; 14/1

Mina Norton, First Teacher at Santa Monica Canyon School: A Picture Story; 14/1

Missionaries on the Heights; 1931; Los Angeles; Dr. William M. Kramer; 42/2-3

Mooser, Abraham: First Jewish Businessman of Santa Monica, California; Stern, Norton B.; 1/3

Morris L. Goodman: The First American Coucilman of the City of Los Angeles; Stern, Norton B. & Kramer, William M.; 24/3

Morton Adrian Bauman: An Obituary; Wolf, Alfred; 29/4

Murder Victim’s Burial in Los Angeles, 1855; Stern, Norton B. & Kramer, William M.; 9/1

My Early Years; Meyer, Eugene; 5/2

My Father Owns Stock: Private versus Public Control of the Los Angeles River; Hoffman, Abraham; 12/2

My Son Came Out of the Closet; Herman, Agnes G.; 27/2

Name of Los Angeles’ First Jewish Newspaper; Stern, Norton B.; 7/2

The Neighborhood Music Settlement and Boyle Heights; Jonathan L. Friedmann; 43/3-4

New Club for Los Angeles; Stern, Norton B.; 10/4

New Jewish Cemetery in East Los Angeles, 1902: A Picture Story; 11/1

Newmark, Myer Joseph; Stern, Norton B.; 2/3

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Nineteenth Century Conversion in Los Angeles; Stern, Norton B.; 16/4

Norton B. Stern Memorial Statements; 24/4

Norton B. Stern, Pioneer Western Jewish Historian and Founding Editor of the First Western Jewish Historical Quarterly; Rochlin, Harriet; 30/3

Of Temple Street and Boyle Heights; Dr. William M. Kramer; 42/2-3

Old Jewish Cemetery in Chavez Ravine, Los Angeles: A Picture Story; 9/2

Organized Jewish Life Begins in Pasadena; 20/1

The Orgins of Los Angeles’ Oldest Orthodox Shul, Part I; Dr. William M. Kramer; 42/2-3

The Orgins of Los Angeles’ Oldest Orthodox Shul, Part II; Dr. William M. Kramer; 42/2-3

Orthodox View of Los Angeles Jewry, 1954; Swift, Rabbi Moshe; 24/3

Our Temple of Healing: 1962: A Sephardic Messenger Account; Cohen, Aron; 28/4

Pasadena: The Jewish Community During WWII; Michael Several; 42/1

Picture Story #2: The Stern and Goodman Store, Fullerton, 1890; 3/4

Picture Story #3: Jeannette Lazard and Her Los Angeles School, 1885; Lazard, Jeannette; 4/1

Picture Story #5: Ark, Curtain and Chuppah in the Southland’s First Synagogue; 4/3

Picture Story #6: The Bar Mitzvah of a Rabbi’s Son, Los Angeles, 1882; 4/4

Picture Story #8: Map of the Alexandre Weill Tract of Los Angeles; 5/2

Picture Story #9: 5/3

Picture Story #10: Theodore Roosevelt and Meyer Lissner Photograph, Los Angeles, 1915; 5/4

Picture Story #11: Cohn-Goldwater Building; 6/1

Picture Story #12: Charlie Chaplin in Boyle Heights; 6/2

Picture Story #14: Los Angeles Confirmation Seventy Years Ago; 6/4

Picture Story #15: Hillcrest Golf Tournament Winners, 1923; 7/1

Picture Story #18: First Orthodox Synagogue in Los Angeles; 7/4

Potpourri of Los Angeles Groups: A Gallery Story; 5/2

Precedent for Ecumenism; Weber, Francis J; 19/2

Preparations for Passover: The Origin of Spring Cleaning?; Essrig, Rabbi I. David; 29/3

President’s Report, Federation of Jewish Charities, Los Angeles, 1917; Mosbacher, George; 11/1

Putting the Pieces Together: 1994 Earthquake; Hollander, Zvi B.; 27/3

Rabbi Edgar F. Magnin and the Modernization of Los Angeles Jewry, Part 1; Clar, Reva & Kramer, William M.; 19/3

Rabbi Edgar Magnin and the Modernizing of Los Angeles Jewry, Part 2; Clar, Reva & Kramer, William M.; 19/4

Rabbi Jacob Ott of Temple Tifereth Israel; Hattem, "Bob" I.; 28/4

Rabbi Max Nussbaum of Hollywood and the World; 25/2

Rabbi Sigmund Hecht: A Man Who Bridged the Centuries, Part 1; Clar, Reva & Kramer, William M.; 7/4

Rabbi Sigmund Hecht: A Man Who Bridged the Centuries, Part 2; Clar, Reva & Kramer, William M.; 8/1

Rabbi Sigmund Hecht: A Man Who Bridged the Centuries, Part 3; Clar, Reva & Kramer, William M.; 8/3

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Los Angeles, Continued

Rabbi William M. Kramer Speaks: "Of God and His Friends," 1968; Kramer, William M.; 30/3

Rabbi William Mordechi Kramer-My Friend; Brin, Herb; 30/3

“A Rather Wholesome Enviorment in which To Be Raised”; Boyle Heights; Don Hodes; 43/3-4

Reconstruction and Havurah; Margolis, Peter; 27/4

Reflections of an American Historian; Kramer, William M.; 27/4

Remembering Los Angeles Jewish Pioneers: Harris Newmark and Isaias W. Hellman; Stern, Norton B.; 29/4

Report to Los Angeles Jewry in 1870; Wartenberg, Henry; 21/3

Rhodesli Register of Los Angeles Pioneers and a Sourcebook for Rhodesli Scholarship; Hasson, Aron; 28/4

Richard Nixon, The President, The Library & the Jewish Connection; Tugend, Tom; 27/1

Roumanian Jews Begin Arriving in Los Angeles, 1902; 14/4

San Francisco Report of the Confirmation of Los Angeles Congregation B’nai B’rith, June 10, 1870; 30/1

Save Old Sinai Temple!; Dr. William Kramer; 42/2-3

Sephardic Founders of the Los Angeles Jewish Community: Samuel K. & Joseph I Labatt; Stern, Norton B. & Kramer, William M.; 28/4

Sephardic Home for the Aged Elects Hasson to Presidency; 28/4

Sephardic Jews of Rhodes in Los Angeles; Hasson, Aron; 6/4

Sephardim of Los Angeles in 1930; Reynolds, Louis G.; 3/3

Sephardim of Los Angeles in 1930, A Press Account; Reynolds, Louis G.; 28/4

“Shopping for Food Then Was Quite Different From What it is Today”; Boyle Heights; Lawrence Goldman; 43/3-4

Sigmund Frey: Los Angeles Jewry’s First Professional Social Worker; Axe, Ruth Frey; 8/4

Skirball Cultural Center in Los Angeles; Kramer, William M.; 28/2

Sol Lesser and Upton Sinclair: The Record of a Friendship; Lesser, Stephen O.; 12/2

Solomon Lazard of Los Angeles; Landau, Francine; 5/3

Solomon Lazard’s American Citizenship; 16/1

Solomon Nunes Carvalho Helped in Founding the Los Angeles Jewish Community; Kramer, William M.; 28/4

Some of My Los Angeles Jewish Neighbors; Mesmer, Joseph; 7/3

Story of an Unusual Ordinary Man: Mendel Meyer of Los Angeles and Santa Monica; Stern, Norton B. & Kramer, William M.; 16/2

“Students Were Stunned At the Sudden Disappearance of Our Japanese Classmates”; Boyle Heights; Elizabeth Fine Ginsberg; 43/3-4

Study of Los Angeles Jewish History: An Analytical Consideration of a Major Work; Stern, Norton B. & Kramer, William M.; 3/1

Temple Tifereth Israel of Los Angeles; Samuels, Beth & Kramer, William M.; 28/4

Temple Tifereth Israel Dedicaton Program; 1932; 43/2

The Germains of Los Angeles; Ashby, Harriet; 2/4

This is the Way We Used to Live; Levi, John Newmark, Sr.; 4/2

Those Days in Los Angeles’ Boyle Heights, Part I; Dr. William M. Kramer; 42/2-3

Those Days in Los Angeles’ Boyle Heights, Part II; Dr. William M. Kramer; 42/2-3

Toward a Biography of Isaias W. Hellman: Pioneer Builder of California; Stern, Norton B.; 2/1

Tribute to Max Vorspan; Kramer, William M.; 26/4

Turn of the Century Days at Klauber Wangenheim Co., Los Angeles; 24/4

Two Letters from the Jewish Patriarch of Los Angeles; Newmark, Joseph; 11/3

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Los Angeles, Continued

Unexpected Help in 1898 for the Hebrew Benevolent Society of Los Angeles; Harris, Victor; 21/1

Variety Boys and Girls Clyb: My Memories; Boyle Heights; Judy Zdravje; 43/3-4

Visit of the Spanish Royal Couple to Sephardic Temple Tifereth Israel in Los Angeles; 28/4

“Wabash Playground Was the Center of the Universe”; Boyle Heights; Max Fine; 43/3-4

‘Walking Into the Market Was a Memorable Experience”; Boyle Heights; Marshall Robert Nathanson; 43/3-4

Waterman Report [Long Beach Earthquake of 1933]; Waterman, Evelyn; 27/3

“We Lived Economically And Rejoiced Simple Pleasures”; Boyle Heights; Arna Shafer Schultz; 43/3-4

When Einstein Fiddled in Pasadena: A Non-scientific View of His California Years, Part 1; Kramer, William M.; 25/2

When the Franco-Prussian War Came to Los Angeles; Stern, Norton B.; 10/1

When the Jewish Homes Really Began, 1910 Not 1912; Dr. William M. Kramer; 42/2-3

William M. Kramer; Kramer, William M.; 29/2

William M. Kramer, "My Lifetime of Careers," 1994; Kramer, William M.; 30/3

Willie "Young Abe Attell" Clar; 22/2

Wolf Kalisher: Immigrant, Pioneer Merchant and Indian Advocate; Carrico, Richard L.; 15/2

Writings of a Founder of Zionism in Los Angeles; Fram, Harry; 9/3

Zionism in Los Angeles on Its Twenty-Fifth Anniversary, 1927; Riche, Aaron; 23/1

— San Diego —

About Emanuel Brown; Morhar, Elaine; 30/4

Abraham Klauber: A Pioneer Merchant, 1831-1911; Klauber, Laurence M.; 2/2

Alice Ellen Klauber: San Diego Artist; Kamerling, Bruce; 20/3

Bibliography of San Diego Jewish History; Schwartz, Stanley; 26/1

Denouement in San Diego in 1888; Stern, Norton B.; 11/1

First Temple Beth Israel: San Diego; Schwartz, Henry; 11/2

Historic Temple Moved in San Diego; Schwartz, Henry; 26/1

Historic Rededication in Old Town; 2010; Donald Harrison; 43/1

Isidor Louis: Shoemaker to Capitalist in San Diego; Maio, Florence & Schwartz, Henry; 17/4

Jews of San Diego State University, California; Baron, Professor Lawrence; 30/2

Levi Saga: Temecula, Julian, San Diego; Schwartz, Henry; 6/3

Lewis Polock Didn’t Want to Go to San Diego; Kramer, William M.; 26/1

Life at 30th and E, San Diego; Klauber, Laurence, M.; 23/4

Mannasse Chico: Enlightened Merchant of San Diego; Karsh, Audrey R.; 8/1

Mark I. Jacobs Family: A Discursive Overview; Golden, Richard L. & Arlene A.; 13/2

Marx and Alex Lesem of San Diego: Father and Son in the Health Field; Schwartz, Henry; 20/2

Mothers and Daughters of Old San Diego; Karsh, Audrey R.; 19/3

News from San Diego in 1906; A.H.K.; 7/3

No Place Like Home: Beth Israel; 1891; Dr. William M. Kramer; 42/2-3

Old Town, New Town, San Diego; Nassatir, Ida; 27/2

Poetic San Diego; Dr. William Kramer; 42/2-3

Reminiscences of B’nai B’rith in San Diego; Wolf, Hyman S.; 14/1

Research Notes on San Diego Area Jewish History; 1967; Norton Stern; 41/4

A San Diego First; Dr. William Kramer; 42/2-3

San Diego Jewry Seventy-two Years Ago; 10/2

San Diego Pioneering Ladies and Their Contributions to the Community; Karash, Audrey R.; 31/1

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San Diego, continued

San Diego Purim Ball in 1888; 7/1

San Diego’s Merchant’s Letter from Germany in 1873; Rothchild, Abraham; 12/1

San Diego’s Unusual Rabbi: Samuel Freuder; Gerson, Ronald D.; 26/1

San Diego, The Town and Its Jewry in 1890; 17/2

Schiller, Marcus: San Diego’s Jewish Horatio Alger; Allen, Jamers L.; 3/1

Sig Steiner: Father of Escondido’s Grape Day; Ryan, Frances B.; 8/4

Silver Shirts: Anti-Semitism in San Diego, 1930-1940; Schwartz, Henry; 25/1

— Southern California —

A. Levy of the Bank; Stern, Norton B. & Kramer, William M.; 7/2

Alphonse Weill of Bakersfield; Weill, Irma; 4/1

Bad Day at San Bernardino; Stern, Norton B.; 7/1

Charitable Jewish Ladies of San Bernardino and their Woman of Valor, Henrietta Ancker; Stern, Norton B.; 13/4

Daniel Cave: Southern California Pioneer Dentist, Civic Leader and Masonic Dignitary; Kramer, William M.; 9/2

Early Jews of Riverside; Reznick, Samuel; 12/2

Few San Bernardino Businessmen in 1892; 15/2

Greenwoods of San Bernardino; Neumann, Dorothy; 15/3

Henry Levy and Family and the Independence Hotel; 20/3

House Committee Probes Nazi Activities on Coast at Los Angeles Hearings, 1934; Vigilante; 30/4

Isaac Harris Family of Independence, Inyo County, California; 19/1

Jacob Stern Family of Orange County and Hollywood; 15/4

Jewish New Year, 5650, in San Bernardino; Katz, Marcus; 26/2

Kaspare Cohn: A Man Who Helped Make Southern California, Part 1; Kramer, William M.; 23/3

Kaspare Cohn: A Man Who Helped Make Southern California, Part 2; Kramer, William M.; 23/4

King of Temecula, Louis Wolf; Stern, Norton B.; 22/2

Layman as Rabbinic Officiant in the Nineteeth Century; Stern, Norton B. & Kramer, William W.; 16/1

Letters from Jacob H. Shiff and David Wolffson to Barnard Schireson, El Centro, California, 1914; Schiff, Jacob H. & Wolffson, David; 9/4

Long Beach California Jewry: Viewed in 1930 and 1968; Franklin, Harvey B.; 23/2

Louis Joseph of Big Pine, California; Joseph, Zetta; 19/3

Marks Lazard, Merchant at the San Gabriel Mission; 13/1

Memoirs of Marcus Katz: San Bernardino Pioneer; Katz, Marcus; 1/1

Mission to San Bernardino in 1879; Stern, Norton B.; 10/3

Murder to be Forgotten; Stern, Norton B.; 9/2

Nasatir Family in Santa Ana, California, 1898-1915; Nasatir, Abraham P.; 15/3

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Southern California, continued

Ode to Albert Ancker of Tehachapi; Fogelson, George J.; 17/4

Picture Story #1: The Cerf Levy Home, Santa Barbara, 1885; 3/3

Picture Story #4:Bertha Rose, Queen of Ventura Street Fair, 1900; 4/2

Pioneer Jews of Santa Barbara; Stern, Norton B. & Kramer, William M.; 22/4

Pioneer Jews of Ventura County: A Picture Story; 14/2

The Promised Land in California; 1904; Dr. William M. Kramer; 42/2-3

Proto-Zionism in Ventura; Dr. William Kramer; 42/2-3

Qualifications of Teachers: An 1880 Commentary; Katz, Marcus; 15/4

Remarkable Harris Family of Southern California, Part 1; Gray, Hope Anker; 26/1

Remarkable Harris Family of Southern California, Part 2 & 3; Gray, Hope Anker; 26/2

Rudolf Anker: San Bernardino Pioneer; Fogelson, George J.; 17/2

San Bernardino Centennial; Newman, Phyllis; 7/4

San Bernardino Confirmand’s Report, 1891; Oppenheimer, Sadie; 11/2

San Bernardino Hebrew and English Academy; Stern, Norton B. & Kramer, William M.; 8/3

Santa Ana, California: Its First Jews and Jewish Congregations; Stern, Norton B.; 14/3

Santa Barbara Vignette of 1895; 6/1

Simon Goldbaum of San Luis Rey, California; Baranov, Helen Goldbaum; 13/2

Southern California Engagement, 1887; 21/2

St. Louis Visitor Views Southern California in 1883; Newmark, Abraham; 10/3

Sud-California Post: A Jewish Editor Views the News; Broadbent, T.L.; 6/1

Tree Art in Western Jewish Cemeteries; Kramer, William M.; 2/2

Two Orange County Pioneer Families: A Picture Story; 17/4

Wayward Etchings: I. N. Choynski Visits Southern California, 1881; Choynski, I. N.; 11/2

Wedding at Independence, California, 1876; 22/2

Wine Country Tycoon of Anaheim; Stern, Norton B. & Kramer, William M.; 9/3

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— San Francisco —

(Including San Jose, Oakland, and Surrounding Cities)

1904 Olympic Games Heavyweight Boxing Champion; Fiske, Jack; 16/4

1906 San Francisco Protest and Appeal; Nieto, Rabbi Jacob; 9/3

1906 San Francisco Earthquake-Fire; Dr. William Kramer; 42/2-3

Aaron L. Sapiro: The Man Who Sued Henry Ford: A Picture Story; 13/4

Abraham Cohen Labatt; Stern, Norton B. & Kramer, William M.; 28/3

Abraham Galland, Pioneer Western Mohel and Officiant; Stern, Norton B. & Kramer, William M.; 22/3

Abraham Levitt: San Francisco Earthquake-Fire, 1906; Levitt, Abraham; 27/3

Acquisitions, Western Jewish History Center, Berkeley; 8/1

Acquisitions, Western Jewish History Center, Berkeley; 8/4

Adolphus Hollub of San Francisco; Strauss, Leon; 15/2

Agricultural Gleanings from San Francisco’s Weekly Gleaner; Clar, Reva; 17/1

America’s Top Sharpshooter; 9/1

American Career of Rabbi Henry Vidaver; Margolies, Morris B.; 16/1

Answer to Anti-Semitism: San Francisco, 1883; D’Ancona, David A.; 8/1

Arther H. Myer, Jewish Scoutmaster; Klein, Barbara; 21/3

Athlete and Artist: A Footnote to the Lives of Philo Jacoby and Solomon Sulzer; Clar, Reva; 17/3

Backward Look at a Pioneer Grandfather, Sol Wangerheim; Heyneman, Alice W.; 4/2

A Bankrupt California Without the Jews; 1865; Dr. William Kramer; 42/2-3

J. Barth & Company, Pioneer Jews of San Francisco, Part One, A-L, Norton Stern, 41/1

Bear Flag Bearer, Isidor Blum; Stern, Norton B. & Kramer, William M.; 19/1

Beginning of the Jewish Community Center Movement in the West: The First Affair: A Picture Story; 18/3

Beginning of the Zellerbach Paper Company; Murdock, Charles A.; 19/3

Beginnings of the First Jewish Hospital in the West; Voorsanger, Rabbi Jacob; 8/3

Beloved Scribe: Letters of Theresa Ehrman, Part 1; Ehrman, Theresa; 12/1

Beloved Scribe: Letters of Theresa Ehrman, Part 2; Ehrman, Theresa; 12/2

Beloved Scribe: Letters of Theresa Ehrman, Part 3; Ehrman, Theresa; 12/3

Benjamin Franklin Peixotto: San Francisco Memories; Kramer, William M.; 28/3

Best Friend of the Animals; 1871; Dr. William Kramer; 42/2-3

Beth Israel Congregation, Confirmation Class, 1941, Pioneer Jews of San Francisco, Part One, A-L, Norton Stern, 41/1

Beth Israel Congregation, Confirmation Class, circa 1920, Pioneer Jews of San Francisco, Part One, A-L, Norton Stern, 41/1

Bit of Oakland History from the Pen of a Youngster; Lissner, Meyer; 6/3

Bransten, Edward: Residence, Early Jewish Pioneers of, Pioneer Jews of San Francisco, Part One, A-L, Norton Stern, 41/1

Brass and Bronze Foundry of Morris Greenberg, San Francisco: A Picture Story; 15/2

California Hebrews, 1887; 4/4

Cantor Edward J. Stark at Congregation Emanu-El, Part 1; Zucker, Jeffery S.; 17/3

Cantor Edward J. Stark at Congregation Emanu-El, Part 2; Zucker, Jeffrey S.; 17/4

Cantorate at Sherith Israel, 1893-1957; Zwerin, Kenneth C.; 17/2

Case of Pro-Semitism in 1855; 16/3

Childhood of San Francisco’s Artist, Toby Rosenthal; Stern, Norton B. & Kramer, William M.; 24/2

Cholera in San Francisco in 1850; Stern, Norton B.; 5/3

The Cholera Epidemic, Pioneer Jews of San Francisco, Part Two, M-Z, Norton Stern, 41/2

Communal Life of San Francisco Jewish Women, 1908; Cohn, Josephine; 20/1

Community and Academy: Jewish Learning at the University of California; Wechsler, Harold S.; 18/2

Condition of San Francisco Jewry Following the 1906 Earthquake-Fire; Magnes, Judah L. & Frankel, Lee K.; 11/3

Congregation Emanu-El, San Francisco: An Architectural Review, 1925; 22/2

Congressman Julius Kahn of California, Part 1; Hoffman, Robert J. & Kramer, William M.; 19/1

Congressman Julius Kahn of California, Part 2; Hoffman, Robert J. & Kramer, William M.; 19/2

Contemporary View of Pioneer San Franciscian Rabbi Julius Eckman; Fitzgerald, Rev. O. P.; 25/4

Contra Costa County, Early Jewish Pioneers of, Pioneer Jews of San Francisco, Part One, A-L, Norton Stern, 41/1

Conversion and Marriage in San Francisco in 1859; 5/1

Cyril Magnin: San Francisco Earthquake-Fire, 1906; 27/3

D’Ancona’s Answer to Anti-Semitism: San Francisco, 1883; D’Ancona, David A.; 28/3

Daniel Meyer: San Francisco Banker; Hoexter, David F. & Mary R.; 12/3

David A. D’Ancona, 1827-1908: A Sephardic B’nai B’rith Leader and His Family; Kramer, William M.; 28/3

David Balasco: Theatrical Producer and Playwright of San Francisco and Victoria, BC; Kramer, William M.; 28/3

Development of the Jewish Community of San Jose, California 1850-1900, Part 3; Kinsey, Stephen D.; 7/3

Diary of Isaias W. Hellman, 1915, Part 2; Hellman, Isaias W.; 23/2

Diary of Isaias W. Hellman. 1915; Hellman, Isaias W.; 23/1

Dinners of the Second Generation of the Old San Francisco Families; Park, Susan B.; 20/3

Doing Time at the Palace; Babow, Irving; 13/4

Early California Association of Michael Goldwater and His Family; Stern, Norton B. & Kramer, William M.; 4/4

Earthquake of 1989 at the Concordia Club; Camhi, Sam; 24/1

Edgar D. Peixotto, Esq.; Kramer, William M.; 28/3

Edgar Magnin: San Francisco Earthquake-Fire, 1906; Clar, Reva and Kramer, William M.; 27/3

Edith Green, TV Pioneer and Seventh Generation Sephard; Wooden, Wayne S.; 28/3

Edith Green: Television’s Early Cook, 1949-1954; Wooden, Wayne S.; 19/4

Edward Branenstein-Florine Haas Wedding, 1903; Heynemann, Lionel; 15/2

Elcan Heydenfeldt, 1850: The First Jewish California Legislator; Stern, Norton B.; 28/3

Election of November, 1892, in San Francisco; Stern, Norton B.; 17/1

Elegant Ball in San Francisco, 1872; 19/2

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San Francisco, continued

Elegant Wedding of a Pioneer’s Daughter, San Francisco, 1876; 17/2

Elizabeth Fleischmann-Aschheim: Pioneer X-Ray Photographer; Palmquist, Peter E.; 23/1

Emanuel Blochman: French-Born Orthodox Activist of San Francisco; Hoexter, Mary R.; 20/2

Emanu-El Congregation, Sisterhood Dormitory, Pioneer Jews of San Francisco, Part One, A-L, Norton Stern, 41/1

Emergence of Oakland Jewry, Part 1; Kramer, William M.; 10/2

Emergence of Oakland Jewry, Part 2; Kramer, William M.; 10/3

Emergence of Oakland Jewry, Part 3; Kramer, William M.; 10/4

Emergence of Oakland Jewry, Part 4; Kramer, William M.; 11/1

Emergence of Oakland Jewry, Part 5; Kramer, William M.; 11/2

Emergence of Oakland Jewry, Part 6; Kramer, William M.; 11/3

Emergence of Oakland Jewry, Part 7; Kramer, William M.; 11/4

Enest Bloch at the San Francisco Conservatory of Music; Rafael, Ruth; 9/3

Ernest Lilienthal: San Francisco Earthquake-Fire, 1906; O’Neill, F. Gordon; 27/3

Ernest Peixotto and His Work; Robertson, Peter; 28/3

Ernest Peixotto: Artist, Kramer, William M.; 28/3

Federation Seeks Funds for Relief : San Francisco/San Jose Earthquake, 1989; Gluck, Peggy Isaak; 27/3

Fifty Years Later: Official Memorandum to the United Nations Organizing Conference, San Francisco, 1945; 28/2

First Hebrew Benevolent Society of San Francisco, Early Jewish Pioneers of, Pioneer Jews of San Francisco, Part One, A-L, Norton Stern, 41/1

First Jewish Lady Architect of the West: A Picture Story; 17/1

First Jewish Sermon in the West, Yom Kippur, 1850; Franklin, Lewis A.; 10/1

First Jewish Sermon in the West: Yom Kippur, 1850, San Francisco; Levey, Samson H.; 25/2

First Jewish State Legislator: Elcan Heydenfeldt, 1850; Stern, Norton B.; 16/1

First Triplets Born in the West: 1867; Stern, Norton B.; 19/4

First Western Jewish Newspaper and Its Probable Describer; Stern, Norton B.; 23/4

Flora Arnstein: San Francisco Earthquake-Fire, 1906; Green, Blake; 27/3

Florine and Alice Haas and Their Families; Dalin, David G.; 13/2

Four Vignettes from the Great Disaster-1906; 27/3

Four Jewish Newspapers in ‘Frisco; 1887; Dr. William M. Kramer; 42/2-3

From San Francisco and Oakland to the Yukon, Pioneer Jews of San Francisco, Part Two, M-Z, Norton Stern, 41/2

G. Albert Lansburgh, San Francisco’s Jewish Architect from Panama; Stern, Norton B. & Kramer, William M.; 13/3

Galland Brothers of San Francisco and the Galland Laundry; Zelinsky, Edward Galland; 30/4

Gentle Editor on San Francisco Jewry in 1887; Marriott, Frederick; 23/2

Georgian in California: Letters of Rienzi Goldberg, 1864-1865; Goldberg, Rienzi; 14/3

Girl and Her Grandparents; Arnstein, Flora Jacobi; 13/3

Godchaux Sisters; Arnstein, Flora J. & Park, Susan B.; 15/1

Hannah Marks Solomons; Stern, Norton B.; 28/3

Harmony in San Francisco; 1849-1850; Dr. William M. Kramer; 42/2-3

Harriet Ashim Choynski: An 1850 Western Arrival; Stern, Norton B.; 24/3

Harry Meyer: San Francisco Earthquake-Fire, 1906; Meyer, Harry; 27/3

Hass Brothers of San Francisco: 127 Years of Business; 15/1

Hattie Sloss: Cultural Leader and Jewish Activist of Modern San Francisco; Stern, Norton B. & Kramer, William M.; 14/3

Henry Abraham Henry: San Francisco Rabbi, 1857-1869; Henry, Marcus H.; 10/1

Henry I.Kowalsky: Attorney and Court Jester; Newmark, Leo; 8/2

Henry J. Labatt (1832-1900): Pioneer Lawyer of California and Texas; Kramer, William M.; 28/3

Henry U. Brandenstein of San Francisco; Dalin, David G. & Rothmann, John F.; 18/1

Henry Wangenheim, San Francisco Earthquake-Fire, 1906; Wangenheim, Henry; 27/3

Historical Recovery of the Pioneer Sephardic Jews of California at San Francisco; Stern, Norton B. & Kramer, William M; 28/3

Homes of Prominent San Francisco Jews in the 1880s: A Gallery Story; Sokobin, Samuel; 5/1

How to Aid the Jewish Farmers of Palestine, 1890; Lubin, David; 17/3

Hyman Levy: San Francisco Earthquake-Fire, 1906; Drogin, Linda M.; 27/3

I Remember the Earthquake of 1906; Meyer, Harry; 5/3

Inpressions of the San Francisco Earthquake-Fire of 1906; Levitt, Abraham H.; 5/3

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San Francisco, continued

Interesting Accounts of the Travels of Abraham Abrahamsohn, Part 1; Abrahamsohn, Abraham; 1/3

Introduction to "The San Francisco Grandees"; Kramer, William M.; 28/3

Isaac Nunez Cardozo, Western Grandee; Rosenblum, Gene H.; 19/4

Isaac Nunez Cardozo: Western "Grandee"; Rosenblum, Gene H.; 28/3

Isaachar Zachariah; Stern, Norton B. & Kramer, William M.; 28/3

Issac and Rebecca Harris Family of San Francisco; Lipman, Rowena; 23/1

Issue of Jewish Marriage and Divorce in Early San Francisco; Stern, Norton B, & Kramer, William M,; 21/1

It is French to be Jewish; Oakland; Dr. William Kramer; 42/2-3

J. B. Levison: San Francisco Earthquake-Fire, 1906; Levison, J. B.; 27/3

J. Mendes de Solla: Rabbi and Educator; Kramer, William M.; 28/3

Jacob Voorsanger: From Cantor to Rabbi; Zwerin, Kenneth C. & Stern, Norton B.; 15/3

Jacob Weinstein - Early Days in the Rabbinate: Austin and San Francisco; Felstein, Janice J.; 29/4

January-and-May Scandal of 1861; Choynski, Isidor N.; 13/2

JCC Offers Hot Meals and Support: San Francisco/San Jose Earthquake, 1989; Elkins, Matt; 27/3

Jerusalem View of San Francisco; Nasatir, Ida; 25/2

Jessica Peixotto: U.C. Professor and Pioneer Women’s Acitivist; Kramer, William M.; 28/3

Jewess in San Francisco; Gradwohl, Rebecca J.; 6/4

Jewish Communal Education in San Francisco, 1926; Menuhin, Moshe; 21/2

Jewish Conditions After the Earthquake-Fire, 1906; Coffee, Rudolph I.; 27/3

Jewish Conditions in San Francisco; Coffee, Rudolph I.; 8/2

Jewish Dairyman of San Francisco; Stern, Norton B.; 14/2

Jewish Family Life in 1903; Oakland; Dr. William M. Kramer; 42/2-3

Jewish Good Guys and Bad; 25/3

Jewish History of Oakland: A Review Essay; Stern, Norton B. & Kramer, William M.; 9/4

Jewish Immigration Problem; Rosenthal, Marcus; 6/4

Jewish Lecturing to Christian Groups: An 1872 View; Eckman, Rabbi Julius; 17/2

Jewish Stock of Stockton; Dr. William Kramer; 42/2-3

Jews in San Francisco’s Nineteenth-Century Boot and Shoe Trade; Franks, Joel S.; 25/4

Joel Noah: San Francisco Forty-Niner; 15/4

Joseph R. Brandon, Activist Lawyer; Kramer, William M.; 28/3

Joseph R. Brandon, Activist Lawyer; Kramer, William M.; 23/1

Judah L. Magnes of Oakland: Errors and Omissions in His Life Story; Stern, Norton B.; 17/4

Julius Eckman and Herman Bien: The Battling Rabbis of San Franscisco, Part 1; Clar, Reva & Kramer, William M.; 15/1

Julius Eckman and Herman Bien, The Battling Rabbis of San Francisco, Part 3; Clar, Reva & Kramer, William M.; 15/4

San Francisco, continued

Julius Eckman and Herman Bien: The Battling Rabbis of San Francisco, Part 2; Clar, Reva & Kramer, William M.; 15/3

Julius Friedman, Benefactor of the Jewish Home for the Aged, San Francisco; Levy, Harold L.; 23/2

The Koshland Family HomeLe Petit Trianon, , Pioneer Jews of San Francisco, Part One, A-L, Norton Stern, 41/1

Labatt on the Commercial Position of the Jews in California, 1856; Labatt, Henry J.; 29/3

Labatts: Joseph and His Brothers; Kramer, William M.; 28/3

Leon Dyer: Baltimore and San Francisco Jewish leader; Rosenwaike, Ira; 9/2

Leon Mendez Solomons, (1873-1900); Voorsanger, Rabbi Jacob; 28/3

Leon Mendez Solomons, (1873-1900); Voorsanger, Rabbi Jacob; 10/2

Letter from Father to Son; Wangenstein, Sol; 7/2

Letter from New York on the 1906 Catastrophe; Stern, Jacob; 13/3

Letter from San Francisco; Felsenthal, Jacob; 6/1

Letter on the Catastrophe of 1906; Reinhart, Pauline; 20/4

Levi Strauss: The Man Behind the Myth; Stern, Norton B. & Kramer, William M.; 19/3

Levy Brothers: Early San Francisco Chiropodists: A Picture Story; 13/4

Liebers Company , Pioneer Jews of San Francisco, Part One, A-L, Norton Stern, 41/1

Lilienthal Family Pact; Stern, Norton B. & Kramer, William M.; 7/3

Log Around the Horn, 1852-1853; Newmark, Myer J.; 2/4

Lucius L. Solomons; Stern, Norton B.; 28/3

Manual Mordecai Noah: Son of Mordecai Manuel Noah; Kramer, William M.; 28/3

Mark M. Cohn: San Francisco Earthquake Fire, 1906; Cohn, Mark M.; 27/3

Martin A. Meyer: His Life and Its Lessons, Part 1; Moskovitz, Daniel J.; 26/3

Martin A. Meyer: His Life and Its Lessons, Part 2; Moskovitz, Daniel J.; 26/4

Martin, Who Was Once Martinez; Stern, Norton B.; 28/3

Matter of Names; Lesser, Julian "Bud"; 23/4

Memoirs of George J. Delmer: Seaman and Policeman; 14/3

Memorial for a Blue-Collar, Bavarian-Born, San Francisco Forty-Niner; 14/1

Memories of a Reform Jewish Youth; Zwerin, Kenneth C.; 16/3

Memories of a Then Eighty-Year-Old; Heyneman, Paul; 13/3

Memories of My Parents: Henry U. and May Colman Brandenstein; Park, Susan B.; 19/1

Julius Eckman and Herman Bien: The Battling Rabbis of San Francisco, Part 1; Clar, Reva & Kramer, William M.; 15/1

Minnesota Rabbi’s Impressions of San Francisco in 1884; Wechler, Rabbi Judah; 16/1

Mount Zion Hospital, Pioneer Jews of San Francisco, Part Two, M-Z, Norton Stern, 41/2

Mount Zion Hospital School of Nursing. Pioneer Jews of San Francisco, Part Two, M-Z, Norton Stern, 41/2

My Experiences During the Earthquake-Fire; Lesser, Sol; 13/3

My Father, Richart Gutstadt of B’nai B’rith: A Memoir; Olcutt, Sylvia G.; 25/1

My Great Grandfathers: A Personal Account; Zelinsky, Edward Galland; 30/1

Nat Cohen: A Hit from the Start; Chyet, Stanley F.; 26/3

Nathan Newmark: First Valedictorian of the University of California; Stern, Norton B. & Kramer, Willam M.; 9/4

Neito’s San Francisco Protest and Appeal; Nieto, Rabbi Jacob; 28/3

Nieto Interviewed on the San Francisco Jewry: Its Temple and the Earthquake; 28/3

Note of Correction: Rabbi Reuben Rinder; Zwerin, Kenneth C.; 20/3

Notes on an Early Professional Family in the American West; 21/1

Oakland Jewry and the Earthquake-Fire of 1906; 9/3

Old Timers Recall Quakes During Their Lifetime; Gluck, Peggy Isaak; 27/3

Oldest Firm in Berkeley: Manasse-Block Tanning Company: A Picture Story; 9/4

Orthodox Rabbi and a Reforming Congregation in Nineteenth Century San Francisco; Stern, Norton B.; 15/3

Other San Francisco Reactions to Stow’s Remarks; Shumate, Albert; 7/4

Out the Road: The San Bruno Avenue Jewish Community of San Francisco, 1901-1968; Leibo, Steven; 11/2

Parentage and Early Years of M. H. De Young, Legend and Fact; Rosenwaike, Ira; 7/3

Patrons of Artist Toby E. Rosenthal; Stern, Norton B. & Kramer, William M.; 18/2

Paul Sinsheimer: San Francisco Earthquake-Fire, 1906; Sinsheimer, Paul; 27/3

Pauline Reinhart: San Francisco Earthquake-Fire, 1906; Reinhart, Pauline; 27/3

Pavlova and Me: A Memoir; Clar, Reva; 11/4

Phillip A. Udall, Master Machinist: A Picture Story; 16/1

Philo Jacoby: California’s First International Sportsman, Part 1; Clar, Reva & Kramer, William M.; 22/1

Philo Jacoby: California’s First International Sportsman, Part 2; Clar, Reva & Kramer, William M.; 22/2

Philo Jacoby: California’s First International Sportsman, Part 3; Clar, Reva & Kramer, William M.; 22/3

Phosphorescent Jewish Bride: San Francisco’s Famous Murder Case; Stern, Norton B. & Kramer, William M.; 13/1

Picture Story #17: First Hebrew Primer in West; 7/3

Pioneer Jewish San Francisco Stock Brockers; Kahn, Edgar M.; 1/2

Pioneer Lawyer of California and Texas; Kramer, William M.; 15/1

Pioneer San Francisco Leader of Sephardic Origin; Stern, Norton B.; 20/2

Poverty and Relief in San Francisco at the End of the Nineteenth Century; Goldwater, Michel; 13/2

Prags in Brief; Stern, Norton B.; 17/2

Pro-Semitic Estimate of San Francisco Jewry, 1879; 21/1

Protest Against Sectarian Texts in California Schools in 1875; Brandon, Joseph R.; 20/3

Rabbi Abraham Blum: From Alsace to New York by Way of Texas and California, Part 3; Clar, Reva & Kramer, William M.; 12/3

Rabbi Jacob Nieto of Congregation Sherith Israel; Zwerin, Kenneth C.; 28/3

Rabbi Jacob Nieto of Congregation Sherith Israel, Part 1; Zwerin, Kenneth C.; 18/1

Rabbi Jacob Nieto of Congregation Sherith Israel, Part 2; Zwerin, Kenneth C.; 18/2

Rabbi Jacob Nieto of Congregation Sherith Israel, Part 3; Zwerin, Kenneth C.; 18/3

Rabbi Julius Eckman and the Elephants; Clar, Reva; 20/1

Rabbi’s Survey of His Nineteenth Century Career in the West; Messing, Rabbi Aron J.; 22/2

Rabinical Tragedy; Zwerin, Kenneth C.; 15/2

Raphael Peixotto: Head of the Western Peixottos; Kramer, William M.; 28/3

Relief Work After the Earthquake-Fire, 1906; Voorsanger, Rabbi Jacob; 27/3

Relief Work in San Francisco; Voorsanger, Rabbi Jacob; 8/2

Religious Equality in California, 1862; Fisher, George; 20/1

Retrospective View of the Aaron Sapiro-Henry Ford Case; Sapiro, Aaron L.; 15/1

Rube Levy, San Francisco Shoe Cutter and the Origin of Professional Baseball in California, Part 1; Franks, Joel S.; 25/1

Rube Levy: A San Francisco Shoe Cutter and the Origin of Professional Baseball in California, Part 2; Franks, Joel S.; 25/2

Russian Jewish Immigration and Rabbi Jacob Voosanger; Schweitzer, Jane; 17/2

Saga of the First Fifty Years of Congregation Emanu-el, San Francisco; Kahn, Edgar M.; 3/3

Pioneer Jews of San Francisco, Part Two, M-Z, Norton Stern, 41/2

The Salem Cemetery, San Franciscans Married with Strictest Orthodox Rites, 1900; 26/2

San Francisco Catastrophe of 1906; Sinsheimer, Paul; 7/3

San Francisco Jewish Community in 1955; Jacobs, Monty; 24/1

San Francisco Jewry and the Russian Visa Controversy of 1911; Henig, Gerald S.; 18/1

San Francisco Jewry Following the Earthquake-Fire, 1906; Magnes, Judah L. & Frankel, Lee K.; 27/3

San Francisco Journalism of I.N. Choynski, Part 1; Singerman, Robert; 29/2

San Francisco Journalism of I.N. Choynski, Part 2; Singerman, Robert; 29/3

San Francisco Journalism of I.N. Choynski, Part 3; Singerman, Robert; 29/4

San Francisco Rabbi Reports on a Visit to Sacramento, 1858; Henry, Rabbi H. Abraham; 11/1

San Francisco Synagogue Scandal in 1893; Stern, Norton B.; 6/3

San Francisco’s Emanu-El Residence Club: A Memoir of 1925; Clar, Reva; 14/4

San Francisco’s Rodin Collection: The Jewish Connection; Scharlach, Bernice; 19/1

San Jose and San Francisco in the Earthquake-Fire of 1906; Cohn, Mark M.; 15/3

Saving Soldier of San Francisco, 1900; 17/2

Search for the First Synagogue; Stern, Norton B. & Kramer, William M.; 7/1

Seixas Solomons: Accountant, Journalist and Orator; Kramer, William M.; 28/3

Selina Solomons and Her Quest for the Sixth Star (Woman’s Suffrage); Silver, M.K.; 31/4

Sephardic Leadership in Early California Jewish Life; Stern, Norton B. & Kramer, William M.; 17/3

Sherith Israel's First Confirmation. Pioneer Jews of San Francisco, Part Two, M-Z, Norton Stern, 41/2

Sherith Israel Synagogue, Pioneer Jews of San Francisco, Part Two, M-Z, Norton Stern, 41/2

Sherith Israel's Second Synagogue, Pioneer Jews of San Francisco, Part Two, M-Z, Norton Stern, 41/2

Sidney S. Peixotto: Founder and Headworker of the Columbia Park Boy’s Club; Silver, Mae K.; 17/4

Sidney S. Peixotto: Founder and Headworker of the Columbia Park Boys’ Club; Silver, Mae K.; 28/3

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San Francisco, continued

Sir Henry Heyman: San Francisco’s Noble Musician; Stern, Norton B. & Kramer, William M.; 18/4

Six Pioneer Women of San Francisco; Stern, Norton; 30/2

Sol Lesser: San Francisco Earthquake-Fire, 1906; Lesser, Sol; 27/3

Solomon Heydenfeldt (1816-1890): Supreme Court Judge; Kramer, William M.; 28/3

Some Further Notes on Michael Goldwater; 5/1

Society of German Physicians, Pioneer Jews of San Francisco, Part Two, M-Z, Norton Stern, 41/2

Some Political and Cultural Pressures on the Jewish Image in Civil War San Francisco; Chandler, Robert J.; 20/2

Son of Solomon Nunes Carvalho; Zuckerman, Robert S.; 8/3

Stingiest Man in San Francisco; Kramer, William M.; 5/4

Strange Passion of Salmi Morse; Stern, Norton B. & Kramer, William M.; 16/4

Sutter Street Temple 'Emanu-El' Pioneer Jews of San Francisco, Part Two, M-Z, Norton Stern, 41/2

That Lurking Prejudice; Chandler, Robert J.; 27/4

They Have Killed Our Man But Not Our Cause: The California Jewish Mourners of Abraham Lincoln; Kramer, William M.; 2/4

To Be or Not to Be a Jewish Hospital?; Rogers, Barbara; 10/3

Tribute to Rhoda Haas Goldman; Herscher, Uri, Dr.; 29/2

Trio of Vignettes from the Great Disaster of 1906; 10/3

Two Letters to Harriet Choynski; Choynski, Isidor N. & Eckman, Rabbi Julius; 7/1

Two Notable California Jewish Personalities, Hattie Hecht Sloss and Elizabeth Fleishman-Aschheim; Stern, Norton B.; 30/3

View of Jewish Social Welfare in San Francisco in 1895; 18/3

The Wedding Was Off!; 1883; Oakland; Dr. William Kramer; 42/2-3

Weissbein Brothers of Grass Valley and San Francisco: Banking, Mining and Real Estate; Janicot, Michel; 22/3

Women in the Weekly Gleaner, Part 1; Clar, Reva; 17/4

Women in the Weekly Gleaner, Part 2; Clar, Reva; 18/1

YMHA and the YWHA in San Francisco, Rafael, Ruth Kelson; 19/3

Yom Kippur Failings: San Francisco and New York; 12/1

Yom Kippur in the Temple Eamanu-El; Henley, S. Homer; 4/1

Yom Kippur, San Francisco, 1858; 18/1

Young Yehudi Menuhin: An Unauthorized Biography of San Francisco’s Child Prodigy; Kramer, William M.; 28/1

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— Northen California —

Additional Material on California’s Jewish Govenor, Washington Bartlett; 23/3

Baby’s Grave: Lone Reminder of the Brownstein Family in Northern California; Weissberg, Muriel; 23/1

Bernard Marks: Retailer, Miner, Educator and Land Developer; Narell, Irena Penzik; 8/1

Blue Laws Debate: A Sacramento Shopkeeper’s Story; Marks, Joseph B. & Sanders, Lisa J.; 25/3

California Forty-Niner with an Unlikely Name; 21/3

California’s Gold Country: Jewish-Named Towns Live On; Levenson, Rosaline; 26/4

California’s Jewish Governor; Stern, Norton B.; 5/4

Call of the Gold Rush; Dr. William Kramer; 42/2-3

Case of Manslaughter at Humbug, California; 16/1

Charity at the Gateway to the Mother Lode; Clar, Reva; 18/3

Chico Jewish Pioneers: Adaptation to Small Town Life in Northern California; Levenson, Rosaline; 17/3

Chico’s Jewish Community in the Twentieth Century, Part 1; Levenson, Rosaline; 20/3

Chico’s Jewish Community in the Twentieth Century, Part 2; Levenson, Rosaline; 20/4

Cohn Mansion, Folsom, California; Barrows, Wray; 1/1

Congregation Beth Israel: The Fresno Congregation; Norton Stern; 41/4

Conversation at Santa Cruz, California, 1877; 11/2

Crime and Punishment at Eureka, 1853; Stern, Norton B.; 20/4

David Lubin: A Remarkable Jew; Deutsh, Gotthard; 14/4

David Lubin Picture Story; 8/2

Death and Burial of a Gold Rush Pioneer in 1859; 14/2

Dentist in a Gold Rush Town; Stern, Norton B.; 19/2

Early Important Jewish Attorney in California, Solomon Heydenfeldt; Kramer, William M.; 23/2

Early Nevada City Jewry: A Picture Story; 16/2

Early Sacramento Jewish Community; Gaines, Marlene S.; 3/2

Early Stockton Jewry and Its Cantor-Rabbi Herman Davidson, Part 1; Clar, Reva; 5/2

Early Stockton Jewry and Its Cantor-Rabbi Herman Davidson, Part 2; Clar, Reva; 5/3

Elias Jacob of Visalia; Mitchell, Annie R.; 1/4

Faith of California’s Jewish Prisoners, 1922; Folsom Inmate; 14/3

From a Polish Town to Gold Rush California; Brumi, Moses; 17/1

Gentile Reproves an Anti-Semitic: Fresno, 1893; 9/4

Golden Jews in the Golden State; Dr. William Kramer; 42/2-3

Gold Rush Community in 1873; Goldner, J.; 9/3

Gold Rush Jewish Merchants in Shasta County, California; Weissberg, Muriel; 22/4

Harry Jacoby of Oroville in 1891; 18/3

Hirshfelds of Kern County: A Picture Story; 15/3

Historical Outline of the Jews of Sacramento in the Nineteenth Century; Kaplan, Bernard M.; 23/3

History of the Jews in CA and the Far West As Reflected in the Weekly Gleaner; 1857-1861; Gustav Buchdahl; 42/1

Isadore Meyerowitz: Pioneer Explorer of California, Part 1; Levenson, Rosaline; 28/1

Jesse M. Levy of San Jose and the Bay Area; Klein, Barbara; 22/4

Jew in Norris’s The Octopus; Forrey, Robert; 7/3

Jewish Acculturation in California’s San Joaquin Valley: A Memoir; Clar, Reva; 19/1

Jewish Appearances are Costly!; 1880; Dr. William Kramer 42/2-3

Jewish Cemetery of Grass Valley, California; Janicot, Pauline; 20/4

Jewish Cemetery of Nevada City, California; Janicot, Michael; 21/1

Jewish Chicken Farmers in Petaluma, California, 1904-1975; Naftaly, Phillip; 23/3

Jewish Community of San Jose, California; Kinsey, Stephen D.; 7/1

Jewish Community of San Jose, Part 2; Kinsey, Stephen D.; 7/2

Jewish Egg Farmers in Petaluma’s Past; Dr. William M. Kramer; 42/2-3

Jewish Families of Petaluma, CA; Dr. William M. Kramer; 42/2-3

Northern California, continued

Jewish Participation in California Gold Rush Era Freemasonry; Friedman, Joseph; 16/4

Jewish Photographer of the Modoc Indian War; Palmquist, Peter E.; 22/4

Jewish Pioneers; Nevada City, CA; Norton Stern; 41/4

Jews in the Gold Rush: Thirty-Seven Years of Jewish Shopkeepers and Postmasters in Butte County, California; Levenson, Rosaline; 25/3

Jews of Del Norte County, California: The Wolf Morris Family, Part 1; Pillings, Arnold R & Patricia L.; 21/2

Jews of Del Norte County, California: The Wolf Morris Family, Part 2; Pilling, Arnold R. & Patricia L.; 21/3

Jews of Santa Cruz: The First Eighty Years, 1854-1934; Fogelson, George J.; 14/2

Jews, Honor, and James H. Hardy; Chandler, Robert J.; 23/4

Kantorowitz Family Reunion; Clar, Reva; 23/2

Karsky of Weaverville; 15/2

Kusels of Oroville, Part 2; Levenson, Rosaline; 24/3

Kusels of Oroville: Ninety Years of Community Leadership, Part 1; Levenson, Rosaline; 24/2

Lament for Hebrew; 1880s; San Francisco; Dr. William Kramer; 42/2-3

Lazar E. Blochman of San Francisco, Santa Maria and Berkeley; Hoexter, David F. & Mary R.;13/1

Letters from Folsom; 1874; Dr. William Kramer; 42/2-3

Letter on Zionism; Lubin, David; 5/2

Letter to Henry Ford in 1922; Weinstock, Harry; 22/1

Life of Tzedakah, Isador Cohen of Sacramento; Stern, Norton B.; 4/1

Majority of the California Supreme Court; Mosk, Justice Stanley; 8/2

Message From Fiddletown; 1856; Dr. William M. Kramer; 42/2-3

Mourning Observance for Abraham Lincoln by the B’nai B’rith Lodge of Marysville, California; 1/4

My Ancestor, Aaron Cerf, Northern California Jewish Merchant; Cerf, Dawn; 25/1

My Father was Born a Jew; Adler, Adam W.; 6/4

News from Woodland and Oroville, California in 1879; 11/2

Nickelsburg Firm of Colus and Woodland, California in 1880; 17/4

Nineteenth Century Memoir; Newmark, Helen; 6/3

Obsequies for Lincoln in Marysville, California; 24/1

Oldest Jewish Cemetery in the West: Stockton, California; Schwartz, Mrs. David "Bea"; 1/2

Orangevale and Porterville, California Jewish Farm Colonies; Stern, Norton B.; 10/2

Oroville’s Friesleben Family and the Friesley Falcon; Levenson, Rosaline; 22/1

Oroville’s Jewish Cemetery: Enduring Legacy of the Gold Rush; Levenson, Rosaline; 23/1

Petaluma Jewry, Continued; Dr. William M. Kramer; 42/2-3

Pioneer of Sacramento Jewry; Stern, Norton B.; 21/4

Pioneer Jews of Contra Costa; Tornheim, William; 16/1

Pioneer Merchants of Tulare County, California; Mitchell, Annie R.; 2/3

Rabbi Edgar F. Magnin in Stockton, 1914-1915: Rehearsal for Los Angeles; Clar, Reva & Kramer, William M.; 17/2

Rabbi says "No"; Levy, Rabbi Leonard J.; 5/4

Reporting on the Maryville Hebrew Benevolent Society in 1860; 10/3

Northern California, continued

Rosenbergs of Healdsburg and Santa Rosa; LeBaron, Gaye; 23/3

Sacramento Confirmation, 1897; 15/4

Sacramento Curse; Alan H. Simon; 42/1

Sacramento Glimpse in 1867; 18/2

Sam Hamburg: World’s Foremost Jewish Farmer; Goldsmith, Steven R.; 10/4

Samuel Sussman Snow: A Pioneer Finds El Dorado; Clar, Reva; 3/1

San Franciscan’s Vacation Trip in 1878; Anonymous; 6/2

Selma Gruenberg Lewis and Selma, California; Stern, Norton B.; 18/1

Sephardic B’nai B’rith Leader: David D’Ancona; Kramer, William M.; 21/4

Shafsky Brother of Fort Bragg; 9/1

Silk Man of San Jose: An Episode in California Economic Development; Stern, Norton B. & Kramer, William M.; 21/2

Siman Newman and [ thentown of] Neuman, California; Kahn, Edgar M.; 2/1

Sinai-Wooster Diary; Wooster, Ernest S.; 11/1

Sinsheimers of San Luis Obispo; Stern, Norton B, & Kramer, William M.; 6/1

Southern End of the Mother Lode; Stern, Norton B.; 8/3

Theodore Solomons, An Unlikely Mountaineer; Sargent, Shirley; 18/3

Tillie Lewis: California’s Agricultural Industrialist; Clar, Reva; 16/1

Trouble from a Charitable Gift at Rough and Ready, California; Stern, Norton B.; 17/3

Ukiah Murder in 1879; Stern, Norton B.; 18/3

Update to "A Baby’s Grave," of WSJH: October 1990; Weissberg, Muriel; 23/3

Vindication, Protest and Appeal; 1861; A.L. Blumenthal; 42/1

Visalia, California Jewish Cemetery; Mitchell, Annie R.; 15/3

Wahrhaftigs of California: A Picture Story; 19/1

Where Jewish Pioneer Merchants Thrived in the CA Gold Fields; Victoria Fisch; 43/1

Whistle-Stop at Stockton for John F. Kennedy; Howitt, Fannie Sinai; 13/2

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C. E. H. Kauvar: A Sketch of a Colorado Rabbi’s Life; Rubinoff, Michael W.; 10/4

Career of a Colorado Zionist: Rabbi C.E.H. Kauvar of Denver; Rubinoff, Michael W.; 18/4

Colorado’s Big Little Man; Kaplan, Michael; 4/3

Colorado Family History; Berry, Hannah Shwayder; 5/3

Crisis in Conservative Judaism, Denver, 194901958; Rubinoff, Michael W.; 12/4

Denver Committee Asks Jews to Raise $250,000; 26/2

Denver’s Legendary Joe "Awful" Coffee: 1904-1994, an Obituary; Goldberg, Rabbi Hillel; 28/1

Denver’s Rabbi William S. Friedman: His Ideas and Influence; Hornbein, Marjorie; 13/2

Dr. Charles Spivak of Denver: Physician, Social Worker, Yiddish Author; Hornbein, Marjorie; 11/3

Dr. John Elsner, A Colorado Pioneer; Hornbein, Marjorie; 13/4

Frances Jacobs: Denver’s Mother of Charities; Hornbein, Marjorie; 15/2

Colorado, continued

From a Tubercular to a Cowboy to a Faro Dealer in Colorado, 1890’s; Zuckerman, Robert S.; 15/4

Golda Meir House, Denver Colorado: 1998 Update; Sturman, Gladys; 31/1

Hitler’s Gift to the University of Denver; Priebe, Paul M. & Rubinoff, Michael W.; 9/1

Jewish Brothers of Trinidad, Colorado; Hornbein, Marjorie; 28/2

Jewish Pioneers of Denver; 1879; Dr. William Kramer; 42/2-3

Jews of Trinidad, Colorado: Have You Ever Heard of Trinidad, Colorado?; 28/2

Jokers in the Republican Deck: The Political Career of Otto Mears, 1881-1889; Kaplan, Michael; 7/4

Judith Tova Tower: Remembrance on the Colorado Prairie, 1930-1991; Tower, Stuart F.; 31/4

Leadville in Its Heyday; 14/1

Life and Times of Denver’s Joe "Awful" Coffee; Leppek, Chris; 28/1

Memories of the Jewish Farmers and Ranchers of Colorado; Cowan, Max P.; 9/3

Memories of the National Jewish Hospital of Denver in 1908; Korngold, Shana; 12/2

New Synagogue in Pueblo, Colorado, 1900; 19/2

Otto Mears, Russian Jew Who Built Southwest Empire and Fought Indians, Dead at 91; 25/4

Philip Hornbein, A Jewish New Dealer in Denver; Abrams, Jeanne; 17/1

Reaction to Hitler by the Intermountain Jewish News of Denver; Rubinoff, Michael W.; 9/4

Restoration of Golda Meir House by the Auroria Foundation, Denver, Colorado, 1989; Ambrose, Larry; 30/4

Seraphine Pisko at Denver’s National Jewish Hospital, Gender and the Origins of Philanthopic Professionalism; Toll, William; 30/1

Slight Difference of Opinion, 1900; 26/3

Synagogue for Leadville, Colorado, 1884; 16/2

Synagogue for Trinidad, Colorado, 1889; 11/1

Trinidad, Colorado’s Jewish Women: The Domestic Basis of Community, 1889-1910; Toll, William; 28/2

Woman Who Pioneered Modern Fundraising in the West; Stern, Norton B. & Kramer, William M.; 19/4

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Beginning of the Organized Jewish Community of Honolulu; Coffee, Rudolf I.; 14/4

King Kalakua’s Scroll and Pointer; Adler, Jacob; 3/3

Hawaiian King Kalakua’s Scroll and Pointer II; Adler, Jacob & Nodel, Julius J.; 6/1

High Holy Days in Honolulu, 1919; 17/1

Honolulu Jewry in 1919; Harris, Victor; 11/3

Jewry and Judaism in the Hawaiian Islands in 1935; Zwerin, Kenneth C.; 12/3

Jews in the Sandwich Islands; Glanz, Rudolf; 6/3


Congregation Beth Israel, Boise, Idaho in 1899; 22/4

First Jewish Governor: Moses Alexander of Idaho; Weyne, Arthur; 9/1

Idaho’s First Jewish Congregation; 8/3

Jews of Southeastern Idaho; Schoenburg; 18/4


Ernestine and Louise Heller: "The Girls" in Chicago; Steiner, Ruth Heller; 31/2

Jewish Life and Thought in an Academic Community: University of Illinois, 1962; Cohen, Henry; 31/2

John Weinfield: First Jewish Pharmacist of Calgary, Canada,Winfield, Stanley,30/2

Lincoln and Samuel G. Alschuler; Alschuler, Al; 11/2

A Rabbi’s Travail; Chicago; Dr. William Kramer; 42/2-3

State of the Union: A Brief History of Jewish Involvement in Chicago’s Labor Movement from 1886; Weiler, N. Sue; 31/1


Adolph Gluck, The Jewish Mayor of Wild and Wooly Dodge City Retires; 30/2

Adolph Gluck: The Jewish Mayor of Wild and Wooly Dodge City, Kansas; Cary, Harry L.; 29/4

Beginning of Organized Jewish Life in Kansas, 1858; 12/4

Jewish Agricultural Colonies in the West: Kansas Example; Sapinsley, Elbert L.; 3/3

Shoot-out on the Airwaves of Dodge City, Kansas, 1983; Katchen, Alan S.; 30/3

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James K. Gutheim: The Rabbi for Whom Louisiana Sat "Shiva," 1886; Teplitz, Saul I.; 30/3


Milwaukee Childhood of Rabbi A. J. Twerski, M.D.: Rebbe & Psychiatrist, Par Excellence; Kramer, William M.; 29/3

Minneapolis Riot of 1946: An Anti-Semitic View from the Radical Right; Smith, Gerald L. K.,25/2


DUNIE’S—The Missing Delicatessen, Somewhere in the West; Epstein, David; 30/3

Nathan Frank, Jewish Congressman from Missouri; Boxerman, Burton A.; 25/4

Remembering Isidor Bush: Pioneer St. Louis Jewish Community Leader, Publisher, Patriot; Boxerman, Burton; 29/3

Rosa Sonneschein: Publisher from St. Louis, Attended First Zionist Congress in Basle, Switzerland, 1897; Geffen, Dr. David; 30/3

Solving the Mystery of Dunie’s, the Missing Kosher Delicatessen, St. Louis, 1912-1990; Hofstein, Johanna; 30/4


Billings Story: What Went Right?; Cohon, Baruch; 27/4

Helena, Montana Jewry Responds to a French Appeal in 1868; Stern, Norton B.; 11/2

Jewish Beginnings in Helena, Montana; 13/1

Jews of Montana, Part 1; Kelson, Benjamin; 3/2

Jews of Montana, Part 2; Kelson, Benjamin; 3/3

Jews of Montana, Part 3; Kelson, Benjamin; 3/4

Jews of Montana, Part 4; Kelson, Benjamin; 4/1

Jews of Montana, Part 5; Kelson, Benjamin; 4/2


Beginnings of the Pioneer Congregation of Lincoln, Nebraska; Newmark, Maurice. A.; 14/1

Hebraic Mortar: The Strength of a Community; Bittner, David; 27/4

Help Needed for Cemetery Project; Nebraska Jewish Historical Society; 31/1

Jewish Press: Captive or Critic? Nebraska Jewish Journalism, 1916-1921; Pollack, Oliver B.; 27/1

Jews of Omaha: The First Sixty Years; Gendler, Carol; 5/3

Jews of Omaha, The First Sixty Years; Gendler, Carol; 5/4

Jews of Omaha, The First Sixty Years; Gendler, Carol; 6/1

Jews of Omaha: The First Sisty Years; Gendler, Carol; 6/2

Jews of Omaha: The First Sixty Years; Gendler, Carol; 6/3

Jews of Omaha: The First Sixty Years; Gendler, Carol; 6/4

Jews, Journalism and Reform Politics in Omaha; Pollack, Oliver B.; 16/3

My Trans-Mississippi Grandmothers: Jewish Immigrant Experiences in Nebraska During the Early 20th Century; Bittner, David; 30/4

Nellie Newmark of Lincoln, Nebraska: A Picture Story; 11/2

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Abram Cohn of Carson City, Nevada, Patron of Dat-So-La-Lee; 15/4

American Zion in Nevada: The Rise and Fall of an Agricultural Colony; Stern, Norton B. & Kramer, William M.; 13/2

Eureka, Nevada: A “Nevada Suburb” of  San Francisco; Norton Stern;  41/4

Jewish Community of a Nevada Mining Town; Stern, Norton B.; 15/1

Letter from a Uncle in Austin, Nevada to His Nephew in St. Louis, 1866; Newmark, Meyer Joseph; 12/2

Murder in Nevada; 1869; Dr. William M. Kramer; 42/2-3

Notes on a Virginia City Police Chief; Stern, Norton B.; 12/1

Oldest Business in Elko, Nevada: Reinhart’s in 1958; 24/2

Problems of a Nevada Jewish Community in 1875; 8/3

Raw Ore from Nevada Diggings: Some Notes on the Jews of Nevada; Sokobin, Samuel; 2/1

Reinharts of Nevada: A Picture Story; 19/2

Rise and Fall of the Jewish Community of Austin, Nevada; 9/1

Reinhart & Company of Winnemucca, Nevada; 24/4

The Sutro Tunnel for the Comstock Lode, An Engineering Feat; Virginia City, Nevada; Norton Stern; 41/4

Tipperusalem, Nevada; Dr. William Kramer; 42/2-3

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New Mexico

Dr. Sigmund Frey: Third Rabbi of Montefiore Congregation of Las Vegas, New Mexico; Axe, Ruth Frey; 23/4

Eugene J. Stern: Merchant, Farmer and Philanthropist of Las Cruces, New Mexico; Lease, Richard J.; 9/2

First Synagogue at Albuquerque, 1900; 11/1

Flora Langerman Spiegelberg: Grand Lady of Santa Fe; Lawson, Michael L.; 8/4

Glimpse of Organized Jewry of Las Vegas, New Mexico During Its Peak Years; Stern, Norton B.; 15/2

Indian Traders of the Southwest: The Danoff’s of New Mexico; Danoff, Hyman O.; 12/4

Inquisition and the Crypto-Jewish Community; Hordes, Stanley. M.; 24/2

Jewish Indian Chief; Rollins, Sandra Lea; 1/4

Jews of Early Los Alamos: A Memoir; Sperling, Paul; 18/4

Justice Columbus Moise of New Mexico; Stern, Norton B.; 22/1

Las Vegas, New Mexico Attorney Leaves Town, 1890; 14/1

Modern Decendents of Conversos in New Mexico; Nidel, David S.; 16/3

Modern Descendants of Conversos in New Mexico; Nidel, David S.; 29/1

Sol Floersheim: Jewish Rancher and Merchant in Northern New Mexico; Fierman, Floyd S.; 14/4

Tracking Leopold Ephraim; Rochlin, Fred, & Harriet; 1/2

North Dakota

Central North Dakota’s Jewish Farmers in 1903; Levy, Abraham R.; 11/1

Chanalel, North Dakota; Herscher, Uri D.; 25/3

Fargo, North Dakota’s Lonely Jewish Cemetery; Mauk, Cathy; 26/3

History of North Dakota Jewry and Their Pioneer Rabbi, Part 1; Papermaster, Isadore; 10/1

History of North Dakota Jewry and Their Pioneer Rabbi, Part 2; Papermaster, Isadore; 10/2

History of North Dakota Jewry and Their Pioneer Rabbi, Part 3; Papermaster, Isadore; 10//3

North Dakota Letter, 1897; 14/3

North Dakota Memories; Fine, Henry & Lea; 9/4

Remarkable N.D. Campaign for Jewish War Sufferers; 26/2

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American Jewish Archives; Chyet, Stanley & Sturman, Gladys; 31/2

Jacob Rader Marcus: In Memoriam; Chyet, Stanley F.; 29/3

Statement of Purpose: The American Jewish Archives; 31/2


Fascinating Jewish Holdings in the Western History Collections, University of Oklahoma; Bonilla, Carlton & Lovett, John R.; 30/1

It’s a Long Way From Okmulgee; 1912; Dr. William M. Kramer; 42/2-3

Leo Meyer: Oklahoma Settler and Politician; Lovett, John R.; 26/1

Levites of Apache, Oklahoma; 24/4

Oklahoma City; Shevitz, Amy Hill; 27/2

Oklahoma, Okay! Founding of Congregation B’nai Israel; 1903; Dr. William Kramer; 42/2-3

Sholom Aleichem Oil Field [Oklahoma]; Geffen, Dr. David; 25/4

Stamp of Approval: Oklahoma and Rosh Ha-Yeshiva Bernard Revel; Horowitz, Harvey & Kramer, William M.; 18/3


Council of Jewish Women in Portland, 1905; Blumauer, Blanche; 9/1

David Solis-Cohen of Portland: A Patriot of Sephardic Descent; Kramer, William M.; 29/1

David Solis-Cohen of Portland: Patriot, Pietist, Litteratuer and Lawyer; Kramer, William M.; 14/2

Durkheimers of Oregon: A Picture Story; Glazer, Michele; 10/3

Heroism of Portland Man; Bernstein, David A.; 26/2

History of Congregation Ahavath Achim of Portland; Kramer, William M.; 29/1

Jacksonville, Oregon Jewish Cemetery: A Picture Story; 23/2

JCCO: The Jewish Community of Central Oregon: Jewish History in the Making; Seldner, Deborah; 30/2

Jews of Eugene, Oregon; Levinson, Robert; 30/1

Louis Fleischner, Oregon Pioneer; 22/4

Mayer May, Pioneer Portland Rabbi; Stern, Norton B. & Kramer, William M.; 21/2

New Odessa Colony of Oregon, 1882-1886; Blumenthal, Helen E.; 14/4

News from the Portland Jewish Community in 1885; 9/3

Oregon Pioneer Sigmund A. Heilner: A Picture Story; 12/1

Oregon’s Other "Jewish Town"; Bernstein, David A.; 19/2

Portland & Jacob J. Weinstein, Part 1; Feldman, Janice J.; 29/2

Portland Girl on Woman’s Rights, 1893; Friedlander, Alice G.; 10/2

Portland Jewry as Seen by a Minnesota Rabbi in 1884; Wechsler, Rabbi Judah; 15/1

Portland Jewry Collects for Russian Refugees; 10/4

Rabbi Stephen S. Wise: Prophet of Portland, Oregon, Part 1; Kramer, William M.; 27/1

Rabbi Stephen S. Wise, Prophet of Portland, Oregon, Part 2; Kramer, William M.; 27/2

Rabbi Stephen S. Wise: Prophet of Portland, Oregon, Part 3; Kramer, William M.; 27/4

Some of the Prominent Jews of Oregon, 1898; Voorsanger, Rabbi Jacob; 21/3

Word from Portland a Century Ago; 11/3

Zelda Mosessohn is No More; 26/3

South Dakota

Colmans and Others of Deadwood, South Dakota; Alschuler, Al; 9/4

Rabbi and the Western Indians - 1984; Glaser, Rabbi Joseph B.; 28/1

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Alex Schwartz Looks Back at the Houston Jewish Community, Circa 1911; Rosenzweig, Arnold; 30/4

Calvert, Texas: Two Views, 1880; 14/2

Central Texas Jewry in 1875; 13/4

Texas, continued

Changing Jewish Community of Dallas, Texas, 1959; Goldberg, Irving L.; 31/2

Chicanos of Jewish Descent in Texas; Santos, Richard G.; 29/1

Chicanos of Jewish Descent in Texas; Santos, Richard G.;15/4

Dallas Jewry Engages Their First Rabbi; 8/2

Deep in the Heart of Pesach; Dr. William M. Kramer; 42/2-3

Duel or Murder? A Study in Texas Assimilation; Kallison, Frances Rosenthal; 27/4

Edgar Goldberg and Forty Years of the Texas Jewish Herald; Stone, Bryan Edward; 30/4

First Synagogue in Dallas, Texas, 1876; 10/2

From Kempen, Poland to Hemstead, Texas: The Career of Rabbi Heinrich Schwartz; 19/2

Galveston Immigration Movement: A 1909 Report; Cohen, Rabbi Henry; 26/4

Galveston Movement: Its First Year; Cohen, Rabbi Henry; 18/2

In Search of the History of the Texas Patriot, Moses A. Levy, Part 1; Leeson, Daniel; 21/4

In Search of the History of the Texas Patriot, Moses A. Levy, Part 2; Leeson, Daniel; 22/1

Jacob de Cordova: A Jew Deep in the Heart of Texas; Preece, Harold; 29/2

Jacob H. Schiff’s Galveston Movement: An Experiment in Immigration Deflection, 1907-1914; Best, Gary Dean; 31/2

Jew Views Black Education: Texas, 1890; Levy, William; 8/4

Jewish Education in Dallas, 1879; 21/1

Jewish Story and Memories of Marshall, Texas; Kariel, Audrey Daniels; 14/3

Letter from a Texas Pioneer; Lasker, Morris; 15/4

Letter from Galveston, Texas, 1878; 7/1

Life with Mama and Papa: Estelle and Herman Meyer of Galveston; Marks, Marguerite Meyer; 17/3

Light in the Prairie: Temple Emanu-El of Dallas; Cristol, Gerry; 31/1

Luling, Texas Jewish Cemetery: A Picture Story; Salinger, Gerhard; 23/4

Memories of Rabbi Henry Cohen As I Knew Him; Marks, Marguerite Meyer; 18/2

Neiman-Marcus: The Beginning; Hall, Linda;7/2

Pioneer Jews of Waco, Texas, Part 1; Podet, Mordechai; 21/3

Pioneer Jews of Waco, Texas, Part 2; Podet, Mordechai; 21/4

Rabbi Henry Cohen of Galveston, a 1931 Account; Albert, David B.; 26/4

Religious Activities at the Border, 1916; 26/3

Religious Life in Dallas a Century Ago; 20/2

Remembering Edgar Goldberg: A Tribute; Horowitz, Rabbi Henry Jacob; 30/4

Sanger Brothers and Their Role in Texas History; Biderman, Rose G.; 28/2

Southeast Texas Picture Story; Salinger, Gerard; 24/2

Southern Rio Grande Valley: A Picture Story; Salinger, Gerhard; 24/1

Texas Orphan, 1877; 17/4

Two Views of an International Jewish Community: Brownsville, Texas and Matamores, Mexico; 10/4

                                                Zielonka, Rabbi Martin; The Mexican Connection, El Paso, Texas, Hollace Ava Weiner, 32/1

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Auerbach’s: One of the West’s Oldest Department Stores: A Picture Story; Rudd, Hynda; 11/3

Congregation Kol Ami: Religious Merger in Salt Lake City; Rudd Hynda; 10/4

Founding of the Jewish Community in Utah; Stern, Norton B.; 8/1

Obituary of Moses Hirschman, 1900; 29/2

Park City, Utah, 1995: A Pioneering Western Jewish Community; Kramer, Willam M.; 28/1

Picture Story #16: Carvalho’s Painting of Wakar, Chief of the Utes; 7/2

Samuel Kohn, Utah’s Wunderkind; Rudd, Hynda; 13/2

Samuel Newhouse: Utah Mining Magnate and Land Developer; Rudd, Hynda; 11/4

Sharey Tzedick: Salt Lake’s Third Jewish Congregation; Rudd, Hynda; 8/2

Simon Bamberger, Governor of Utah; 5/4

Unsinkable Anna Marks; Rudd, Hynda; 10/3

Washington (State)

Beginnings of the Organized Jewish Community of Tocoma, Washington; Stern, Norton B. & Kramer, William M.; 17/1

Washington,General Edward S. Salomon and Lincoln; 18/1

Washington,Governor of Washington Territory: 1870-1872; 17/3

Washington,Hoquiam, Washington Saga: A Picture Story; 13/2

Washington,Marcus Oppenheimer of Marcus, Washington; Stern, Norton B.; 15/4

Washington,Morris Schneider, Pioneer Washington State Merchant; Weissberg, Muriel; 24/4

Washington,Spokane, Washington Jewry in 1920; 24/1

Washington,Spokane Jewry in 1897; 22/3

Washington,Up and Down of Jewish Activity in Spokane, 1891-1894; 11/4

— Seattle —

Bailey Gatzert and the Bailey Gatzert (Steamboat); Klenman, Allen; 29/3

Beauty of Sephardic Life: Personal Reflections of Seattle’s Sam Maimon; Kramer, William M.; 29/1

Collective Oral History: Memories of Seattle; Sidell, Loraine; 29/1

Congregation Bikur Cholim-Machzikay Hadath of Seattle: The Beginning Years; Buttnick, Meta; 22/2

From a Pharmacist in San Bernardino to a Physician in Seattle; Stern, Norton B.; 18/2

Herzl-Ner Tamid Conservative Congregation of Seattle: The Beginning Years, Part 1; Buttnick, Meta; 25/3

Herzl-Ner Tamid Conservative Congregation of Seattle: The Beginning Years, Part 2; Buttnick, Meta; 25/4

History of Seattle’s Sephardic Community; Angel, Rabbi Marc D.; 7/1

History of the Ahavath Ahim Congregation, Club, Auxiliary and Center; Maimon, Isaac; 29/1

Seattle, continued

Increase of Jewish Immigration: The Pacific Rim, Seattle, 1916; 26/2

Introduction to Sephardic Synagogues of Seattle; Papo, Joseph M.; 29/1

Jewish Landmarks in Seattle’s Pioneer Square; Buttnick, Meta & Avner, Jane A.; 26/4

Jewish Sephardic Women’s Lives Biography—Seattle; Clark, Nancy J. & Kaplan, Cecily; 29/1

Ohaveth Sholem: Seattle’s First Jewish Congregation; Droker, Howard A.; 17/1

Personal and Scholarly Account: Early Sephardim in Seattle; Angel, Marc D.; 29/1

Progress - Seattle’s Sephardic Monthly, 1934-5; Angel, Marc D.; 29/1

Report from Seattle in 1901; 13/2

Russian Refugees Reach Seattle, 1915; 15/3

Seattle Jewish Home Through Eight Decades and Two Families; Buttnick, Meta; 21/1

Seattle Sephardic Sisterhood, Brotherhood and Camping Programs; 29/1

Seattle’s Bikur Cholim Machzikay Hadath; Sidell, Lorraine; 26/2

Selected Annals of Ezra Bessaroth, Seattle’s Rhodesli Congregation; Kramer, William M.; 29/1

Sephardic Bikur Holim, Seattle’s Turkish Congregation: Some Landmark Remembrances of Its Formative Years; Buttnick, Meta; 29/1

Sephardic Folk-Curing in Seattle; Firestone, Melvin M.; 29/4

Sephardic Jews of Seattle; Sidell, Lorraine; 24/3

Sephardic Theater of Seattle Jewry; Angel, Marc D.; 29/1

Two Pioneer Ladies of Old Seattle; Dr. William M. Kramer; 42/2-3

Washington State Rabbi Who Came from Notre Dame; Plotkin, Rabbi Albert; 27/1

Whoops from Washington; Avner, Jane A.; 26/1


Harry Gesas: Jewish Merchant in a Wyoming Coal Town; Schoenburg, Nancy; 17/1

Jewish Homesteaders in Wyoming, 1913; Pearlstine, S. S.; 12/1

Max Littmann: Immigrant Soldier in the Wagon Box Fight; Keenan, Jerry; 6/2

Wyoming Incident of 1885; 22/3

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Midwest United States

Overview of Jewish Farm Settlements in the Heartland of America; Sanford-Rikoon, J.; 29/3

Northwest United States

Bob Marshall: Wilderness Advocate; Bernstein, David A.; 13/1

Girl Rabbi of the Golden West: The Adventurous Life of Ray Frank, Part 1; Clar, Reva & Kramer, William M.; 18/2

Girl Rabbi of the Golden West: The Adventurous Life of Ray Frank, Part 2; Clar, Reva & Kramer, William M.; 18/3

Girl Rabbi of the Golden West: The Adventurous Life of Ray Frank, Part 3; Clar, Reva & Kramer, William M.; 18/4

Pacific Northwest Jewry in 1888; 12/4

Southwest United States

Political Letter of 1875; Nordhoff, Charles; 19/3

Cost Codes in the Southwest; Fierman, Floyd S.; 13/3

Crypto-Jews of the American Southwest; Alexy, Trudi; 27/1

Crypto-Jews of the American Southwest; Alexy, Trudi; 29/1

Fifty-four Years on the Southwest Frontier: Nathan Benjamin Appel in New Mexico, Arizona and Southern California; Lamb, Blaine P.; 16/1

Heyman Mannasse: An Arizona and San Diego Saga; Karsh, Audrey R.; 13/1

Inquisition and the Crypto-Jewish Community in Colonial New Spain and New Mexico; Hordes, Stanley M.; 29/1

Introduction to "Crypto-Jews"; Kramer, William M.; 29/1

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United States, General

Bibliography on Crypto-Jews; Kramer, William M.; 29/1

Bubbe-Misehs Can be True, A Memoir; Clar, Reva; 21/2

Business as Usual; New York; Dr. William Kramer; 42/2-3

A Civil War Yom Kippur War; Dr. William M. Kramer; 42/2-3

Early Interest Which Preceded the Establishment of Jewish Farm Colonies; Stern, Norton B.; 23/3

False Jewish Ancestry of Franklin Delano Roosevelt: An Anti-Semitic Pamphlet Distributed 1940; 30/4

Immigrant and Ethnic Family Folklore; Siporin, Steve; 22/3

Major Role of Polish Jews in the Pioneer West; Stern, Norton B. & Kramer, William M.; 8/4

Polish Preeminance in Nineteeth Century Jewish Immigration: A Review Essay; Stern, Norton B. & Kramer, William M.; 17/2

Pre-Israel Diplomat on an American Mission, 1869-1870; Stern, Norton B. & Kramer, William M.; 8/2

Roosevelt—The Righteous; Neches, Rabbi Dr. S.M.; 30/1

War Hero and Distinguished Public Servant: Howard Sidney Lapin; Lapin-Haines, Louise; 29/2

What’s the Matter with Warsaw?; Stern, Norton B. & Kramer, William M.; 17/4

Where the Jewish Press Was Distributed in Pre-Civil War in America; Glanz, Rudolf; 5/1

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Western States, General

Discovery of America: Two Judeo-Spanish Versions of the Event; Millwitzky, William; 28/3

1869 Jewish Standard for Gentile Behavior: A Review Essay; Stern, Norton B. & Kramer, William M.; 9/3

Anti-Semitism and the Jewish Image in the Early West; Stern, Norton B. & Kramer, William M.; 6/2

Chasing an Elusive Dream: Charles Spivak and the Jewish Agricultural Settlement Movement in America; Abrams, Jeanne; 18/3

Chinese-Jewish Relations in the Far West: 1850-1950, Part 1; Clar, Reva & Kramer, William M.; 21/1

Chinese-Jewish Relations of the Far West: 1850-1950, Part 2; Clar, Reva & Kramer, William M.; 21/2

Western States, General, continued

Clars of Colorado and California: A Picture Story; 12/3

Colorado Homesteader and Los Angeles Investor: A Picture Story; 14/4

Congregations and the Rabbis in the West Compared with Those in England, 1907; Nieto, Rabbi Jacob; 12/4

First Fund-Raisers for the Hebrew Union College in the Far West; 8/1

Frank Lloyd Wright: Jews, and the West, Part 1; Goodwin, George M.,30/2

Frank Lloyd Wright: Jews, and the West, Part 2; Goodwin, George M.; 30/3

French Jews in the Early West: An Aristocratic Cousinhood; Stern, Norton B. & Kramer, William M.; 13/4

From Ocean to Ocean in 1878,14/3

Guide to California Jewish History; Stern, Norton B. & Kramer, William M.; 24/4

Introduction to "The Sephardic Experience: Seattle & Portland, plus Crypto-Jews of the Southwest"; Kramer, William M.; 29/1

Jewish Postmasters of the West; Dr. William M. Kramer; 42/2-3

Jews Among the Indians; Leppek, Chris; 26/1

Jews Among the Indians: The Evolution of an Idea; Marks, Melvin L.; 20/3

Jews and American Indians, A Bibliographical Record; 23/2

Letters of 1852-1864 Sent to Rabbi Isaac Lesser of Phidelphia from the Far West; Stern, Norton B. & Kramer, William M.; 20/1

Mountain West as a Jewish Frontier; Rudd, Hynda; 13/3

Nissim Nat Barocas (1921-1996), Seattle, Portland and Los Angeles, An Obituary; Israel, Jack; 28/4

Obituaries of Historical Interest; 30/3

Obituaries, Some Jewish Women of the West; 30/1

Obituaries: Some Men and Women of the West; 30/2

Passover and the American West: The American Heritage Haggadah; Geffen, Dr. David; 30/3

Polish Jews in Posen and in the Early West; Stern, Norton B. & Kramer, William M.; 10/4

Problems in Jewish Military Service Research, Part 1; Dubow, Sylvan Morris; 2/2

Problems in Jewish Military Service Research, Part 2; Dubow, Sylvan Morris; 4/3

Rabbi Abraham Blum: From Alsace to New York by Way of Texas and California, Part 1; Clar, Reva & Kramer, William M.; 12/1

Rabbi Abraham Blum: From Alsace to New York by Way of Texas and California, Part 2; Clar, Reva & Kramer, William M.; 12/2

Some Warts on the Face of Early Western Jewry; 14/1

Stars of David: A Picture Story; Melnick, Mimi; 16/3

Thanksgiving in California; 1857; Dr. William M. Kramer; 42/2-3

View from West of the Hudson; Stern, Norton B. & Kramer, William M.; 12/2

Western Journal of Isaac Meyer Wise, Part 1; Wise, Rabbi Isaac Meyer; 4/3

Western Journal of Isaac Meyer Wise, Part 2; Wise, Rabbi Isaac Meyer; 4/4

Western Journal of Isaac Mayer Wise, Part 3; Wise, Rabbi Isaac Meyer; 5/1

Western Journal of Isaac Mayer Wise, Part 4.,Wise, Rabbi Isaac Meyer,5/2

Western States, General, continued

Western Picture Parade; 8/1 through 24/2

Western Rabbis Remove Their Robes; 26/1

Zionist Discussion in 1904; 9/4

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— General —

Jewish Minister, David Arnold Croll, Awarded Cabinet Post in Liberal Sweep, 1934; Philipson, Abner; 31/1

Jewish Beginnings in the Canadian Far West, 1858+; Stern, Norton B.; 30/4

Jewish Farmers of Western Canada, Part 1; Leonoff, Cyril E.; 16/1

Jewish Farmers of Western Canada, Part 2; Leonoff, Cyril E.; 16/3

Jewish Farmers of Western Canada, Part 3; Leonoff, Cyril E.; 16/4

My Canadian Jewish Childhood; Hall, Monty; 26/6

Tribute to Canadian Small Town Jews, Past and Present; 30/3

Western Canadian Jewish Farmers: a 1908 Report; 9/4

Western Canadian Report of 1859; 9/1


85 Years in Southern Alberta; Bercovich, Max; 26/3

Calgary’s Eighth Avenue Log Cabin: 50 Years as a Jewish Business; Jack Switzer; 42/4

Drumheller; Home to an Active Jewish Community; Jack Switzer; 42/4

Early Jewish Communities in Central Alberta; Myra Paperny; 42/4

Faith and Humanity: Calgary’s National Council of Jewish Women; Jack Switzer; 42/4

John Weinfield: First Jewish Pharmacist of Calgary, Canada; Winfield, Stanley; 30/2

Leaving Russia;1881-1914; David Bickman; 42/4

British Columbia

Abraham Levi: Father of Victoria Jewry; Shook, Robert W.; 9/2

A Century of Life in Western Canada; Michael Levenston; 42/4

Beginnings in the Canadian Far West; Stern, Norton B.; 21/1

Pioneers Contribute to Build Western Canada’s First Synagogue, 1862-1863; Klenman, Allan; 22/3

Cyril Leonoff: British Columbia Historian; Ferman, David; 26/3

First Jewish Settler of British Columbia; Stern, Norton B.; 16/3

Frederick Landsberg: A Pioneer Indian Art Dealer in Victoria, Canada; Hawker, Ronald, W.; 23/2

Hadassah: Early Archives in Vancouver; 42/4

Harry L. Salmon of Victoria; Leonoff, Cyril E.; 22/4

Leonard Frank of British Columbia: Artist of Photography: A Picture Story; Klenman, Allan; 18/4

Letters from the Front During the Great War; Leonoff, Cyril E.; 23/4

Murder on the North Trail: Jewish Merchants in the Cariboo, Early 1860’s; Elliot, Marie; 23/2

Pioneer Jewish Merchants of Vancouver Island; Leonoff, Cyril E.; 13/1

Pioneer of the Soft Drink Industry in Western Canada; Stern, Norton B.; 22/3

Simon Leiser, Principal Merchant of Vancouver Island; Leonoff, Cyril E.; 27/4

Vancouver Jewish Life: 1886-1986; Leonoff, Cyril E.; 19/4

Vancouver Jewish Life: 1886-1986, Part 2; Leonoff, Cyril E.; 20/1

Victoria, Vancouver Island: Birth of a Jewish Community; Leonoff, Cyril E.; 24/4

Victoria’s Jewish Cemetery; Geoffrey Castle; 42/4

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Hirsch Farm Settlement in Saskatchewan; 12/4

Jewish Pioneer Settlements in Saskatchewan, Canada, 1884+; Arnold, A.J.; 31/1

Starting a Jewish Cemetary in Saskatchewan, Canada; Lander, Clara; 31/2


Peddler’s Plight: A View from Winnipeg; Cheil, Arthur A.; 29/2

Yukon Territory

First Jewish Services at Dawson, Yukon Territory, 1898; Rosener, Charles S.; 11/2

Dawson City, Klondike Jewish Cemetery; Kagen, Norman Eli; 31/4

Jews in the Yukon Territory and their Cemetery; Stern, Norton B.; 14/4



A Latin Dichotomy; Dr. William Kramer; 42/2-3

Bernsteins of Baja, California: A Gallery Story; 7/2

Daniel Levy: Entrepreneur in Mexico; 8/4

First Jews in Mexico: They Rode with Cotez; Dr. William M. Kramer; 42/2-3

German Jew in Liberal Mexico: Isidoro Epstein, 1851-1894; Krause, Corinne; 9/1

Interesting Accounts of the Travels of Abraham Abrahamsohn, Part 2 Abrahamsohn, Abraham; Abrahamsohn, Abraham; 1/4

Jewish Colony in Baja, California: A Half Century of Hope and Frustration; Stern, Norton B. & Kramer, William M.; 22/4

Jewish Community in Mexico City; 1924-1935; Seman, Philip L.; 43/2

Letter from Mexico in 1908, Part 2; Zielonka, Martin; 12/4

Letters from Mexico in 1908; Zielonka, Martin; 12/3

Look at Life in Mexico Through Jewish Periodicals, 1859-1879; Krause, Corinne; 7/4

Louis Mendelson: Baja California Statesman; Chaput, Donald; 19/2

Sr. Arnold Belkin: Mexican Jewish Artist from Calgary, Canada: A Memoir of the Artist, Part 1; Kramer, William M.; 26/3

Sr. Arnold Belkin: Mexican Jewish Artist from Calgary, Canada: A Memoir of the Artist, Part 2; Kramer, Willaim M.; 26/4

Tel Aviv Instead of Tijuana? Dr. William Kramer; 42/2-3

Two Views of an International Jewish Community: Brownsville, Texas and Matamoros, Mexico; 10/4

Viva Pancho Villa?; 12/1

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Pacific Rim, etc.


Interesting Accounts of the Travels of Abraham Abrahamsohn, Part 3; Abrahamsohn, Abraham; 2/1

Interesting Accounts of the Travels of Abraham Abrahamsohn, Part 4; Abrahamsohn; 2/2


Crypto-Jews of Brazil: Finding Our Lost Brothers and Sisters; Benveniste, Arthur; 29/3


Cohen, Morris Abraham; General Two-Gun Cohen, The Chinese Connection, 1887-1970, Part I, E. P. Stein, 32/1

Jewish Diaspora in China: Report on a Conference at Harvard; Lesser, Stephen O.; 25/1

Jews of Singapore; Glick, Terrys O.; 25/2

Letter and a Jewish Article in Chinese; 26/2

Out of China: Pearl S. Buck’s Solution to the Jewish Problem; Bittner, David; 26/1

Tsingtao, China: Another Jewish Community on the Pacific Rim; Pulverman, Heinz J.; 28/1


News Items from the Exotic East, 1934; 31/1

Sukkah in India: Back from Buddah, Azriel Cohen’s Outreach; Jacobs, Andrea; 31/1


Beit Shalom Visitor Centers in Japan; Harrison, Donald H.; 30/2

Japanese Believe They Belong to Lost Tribe; Bellos, Susan; 26/2

Raphael Schoyer: A California Sephardic Jew Becomes Mayor of Yokohama; Kramer, William M.; 28/3

New Zealand

Yom Kippur in 1868; 19/3

Rabbinic Student Visits New Zealand, 1914; Franklin, Harvey B.; 14/2


Jews of Panama, 1913; Dobrin, A. E.; 11/3


Jew Who Married into the Royal Family of Tahiti; Cowen, Ida G.; 25/4

Third World

Judaism Against a Backdrop of Life in Third World Countries: A View from the American West; Gray, Hope Anker & Fogelson, George J.; 30/1

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